nou1 (1121-25)

nou1 (1121-25)

[ gdw]

[ FEW: 7,39a natare; Gdf: 5,508c noe 2; GdfC: ; TL: 6,692 nöe 1; DEAF: ; DMF:  noe 1; TLF: ; OED: ; MED: ; DMLBS: ]
noe,  no,  noo,  noue,  nowe,  nod  

According to DMF, Gdf and TL this word has two main senses: 1. ‘the action of swimming’ and 2. ‘(fin of) a fish’. In Anglo-Norman, the first sense is found only in the locutions.

The Bibbesworth citation is problematic: Rothwell suggest a link with TL 670: ‘noz de l’eschine = Wirbel des Rückgrats’, in which case this citation would belong under nu1. However, the M.E. gloss sound translates as ‘the swimming bladder of a fish’(see MED sound(e 1), and this sense has been retained here.


1ich.zool.anat.fin, flipper
( 1121-25; MS: s.xiv1 )  Colps se dunent (=sea creatures) de lur noes, Tels cum escuz, e des podes  937
( MS: s.xiii2 )  pinnis: par lur noues / Hec pinna [...] est organum piscia.s. novum quo natare dicitur  i 356.3
( MS: s.xiv )  pinne (ale piscium) gallice: lé nouues (l. nowes)  i 37
2ich.zool.anat.the swimming bladder or intestines of a fish
( c.1290; MS: 1307-25 )  Overer le (=cod) devez e espander. Le no tantost en oustez, Bouwele e eschine ensi le frez  544
a nou
( c.1170; MS: s.xiiiex )  S'est il mis enz (=the sea) a nod kar il le volt encuntrer  (F2) 5144
( c.1200; MS: s.xivin )  Li cerf en l'ewe noe amunt. Les chiens [...] A nou le vunt a plein siwant  594
passer a nou
1to swim across
( s.xii3/4; MS: s.xiv2 )  Ly chevalers passent le gué a nou cum vaillant  4916
( c.1235; MS: c.1235 )  Mes li jovre [...] L'ewe passent a nou ki parfund fu e lé  772
noable  noer#1  noeresse  noiere 
This is an AND2 Phase 4 (N-O/U-P-Q) entry. © 2013-17 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.