nu1 (1113-19)

nu1 (1113-19)

[ gdw]

[ FEW: 7,171 nodus; Gdf: ; GdfC: 10,201b neu; TL: 6,667 no 1; DEAF: ; DMF:  noeud; TLF:  noeud; OED:  node n. / nodule n.; MED:  node n. / nodule n.; DMLBS: 1923b nodus 1 ]
nou,  now;  nud,  nut,  nuche  II 100.69
pl. nouis,  noutz,  noys,  nuz,  ners  B67  

The word can be problematic in that it consists almost entirely of a set of minims that are prone to possible misreading. For example, in the Horn citation, ‘nu’ is a variant of ‘coing’, and was therefore glossed in AND1 as ‘peak, ornamental knob (of helmet)’. This particular sense, however, is not found in any of the other dictionaries, making one wonder whether the el nu could be an editorial mistake for el (=en le) mi (although that construction, rather than en mi, appears to be rare in Anglo-Norman).


1knot, tie
( 1113-19; MS: s.xii3/3 )  Deus granz choses seignent Cil qui cest signe (=capricorn) peignent: Chef de chevere devant, Cue de serpent grant, E en mi un nud peinent Pur quei devise seignent  1771
( s.xivin; MS: s.xivm )  il ne vout pas sa ceynture en remembraunce noer (var. (B: c.1330) a seynture en remembraunce now fere), ne anel de or [ne d'argent] en son deie porter  98.n4
knot (in the strands of a scourge)
( 1354; MS: c.1360 )  moelt parfond en la tendre char entroient les dures noutz (=of scourges)  201
2bot.knot, gnarl in wood
( s.xiiiin; MS: c.1300 )  un bastun ke esteyt pleyn de nuz  1163
bot.node (in the stem)
( MS: s.xiiim )  Si pernez aprés .j. festu a .ij. nous et coupez les nous  82
( s.xiii3/4; MS: s.xiii3/4 )  Les roseaus (=reeds) i (=in India) sunt si granz ke entre chescun nou poet home fere un auge ke poet porter treis homes sur euue, sicum un batel  28
( c.1240; MS: s.xiii3/4 )  quisez le malade el braz trois dois ariere le nois (Latin: retro a nodo)  i 82.xlv
4med.pharm.sachet containing a medicinal preparation (and secured by a knot)
( c.1240; MS: s.xiii3/4 )  la dulur de[s] denz e des gencives faites une quichun en la funteinele derere en la char qui est dereire l'oraille e en ce metez un petit nu (Latin: nodellus (de cera vel radice absinthi))  i 59.lii, ornamental knob (of helmet)
( c.1170; MS: s.xiiiex )  Qu'il grant cop ne ferist el coing (var. (H: s.xiiim) (l. mi??) el nu mi?? ) del heaume agu  3130
6archit.cog (of a mill-wheel)
( MS: s.xiii )  scarioballa: lé nus de la ré, anglice cockes  ii 150.48
( MS: s.xiii/xiv ) scarioballa: (D*) lé nouis, coggis (var. (L: s.xiii) noys radii, quidam nodi in rota interiori qui movent fusum molendini;  (D: s.xiii/xiv) cogges, alisons, aleçuns )  134.48
nueillon  nuel  nuer#1  nuet#1  nuus 
This is an AND2 Phase 4 (N-O/U-P-Q) entry. © 2013-17 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.