severauntment (1313)

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severauntment (1313)


[ FEW: *11,473a separare; Gdf: ; GdfC: ; TL: ; DEAF:  sevrer (*); DMF: ; TLF: ; OED:  severing a. (severingly adv.); MED:  severingly adv.; DMLBS: ]

This rare formation – an adverbial use of the present participle of severer – is also found in English, where it is equally uncommon. See also severinement.


jointement et severauntment
1 law jointly and severally, (of two or more persons) with equal liability both as a group and as individuals
( 1313 )  nos [...] grauntoms de estre tenuz juntement e severauntment [...]  422
separacion  separément  separer  severable  severablement  several  severalement  severalté  severance  severaument#1  severeement  severeison  severement#2  severer  severeure  severinement 
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