pipee (c.1290)

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pipee (c.1290)

[ gdw]

[ FEW: 8,562a *pippare; Gdf: 6,170b pipee; GdfC: 10,342a pipee; TL: 7,964 pipee; DEAF:  piper (pipe); DMF:  pipée; TLF:  pipée 2; OED: ; MED:  pipe n.3; DMLBS: ]
pipé;  pepie  

The main sense in Continental French, 'Chasse dans laquelle on attire les oiseaux vers des branches enduites de glu, par l'imitation de leur cri ou celui de la chouette, prise d'oiseaux aux pipeaux', does not seem to be relevant here. However, etymologically the word is the same, in this case referring to the chirping sound of a flock of birds (cf. piper2).


1orn.zool.flock (of twittering birds)
( c.1290; MS: s.xivin )  De chescune assemblee diversement Vous covent parler proprement: [...] Bevé de herouns, pipee (M.E. a flok) des oyseus (M.E. smale briddes), Haraz de poleyns, une foule de vylens  193
( s.xivin; MS: 1382 )  Un pipé de oysealx (M.E. A pipe of briddus)  830
( s.xvin; MS: s.xv1 )  Beveye  (ms. Deveye) dez heronez et pipé dé oseaux (M.E. a pipe of bryddys)  2.10
pipe#1  piper#1  piper#2 
This is an AND2 Phase 4 (N-O/U-P-Q) entry. © 2013-17 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.