quantbien (1396)

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quantbien (1396)

[ gdw]

[ FEW: 2/ii,1418b quantus; Gdf: ; GdfC: ; TL: ; DEAF: ; DMF: ; TLF: ; OED: ; MED: ; DMLBS: ]

This word, which appears to be a contamination of quant1 and cumbien, is currently only attested in Man Lang ANTS in Anglo-Norman, but according to the FEW (2/ii,1418b) also appears in sixteenth-century Picard (as quambien).


1finan.how much? what price?
( 1396; MS: s.xivex )  Au marché [...]: Belle dame, pour quantbien me donnrez vous cecy? [...] Vel sic: Quantbien me costera ces trois anes de rivere?  38.7-8
quantbien a il soné de l'oriloge?
1what time is it?
( 1396; MS: s.xv1 )  Ore, beale dame, me ditez vous quantbien a il sonee de l' oriloge com vous pensez?  8.24
quantbien i a de... a...?
1how far is it from... to...?
( 1396; MS: s.xivex )  quantbien y a il d'illoques a Aurilians?  44.13
bien  cumbien  quant#1 
This is an AND2 Phase 4 (N-O/U-P-Q) entry. © 2013-17 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.