[fulle]1 (c.1300)

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[fulle]1 (c.1300)

[ FEW: 3,849b fullo; Gdf: ; GdfC: ; TL: ; DEAF:  foler (*); DMF: ; TLF: ; OED: ; MED: ; DMLBS: 1025c fullo ]


herbe fulle
1bot.soapwort (or other herb used in fulling)
( MS: c.1300 )  Et pernez herbe(r) Robert, herbe Wautier et consoude et confire et launcelee et plantain, mirfoil et herbe yve et folle, chierfoil et leusavon  327
fuller#2  fullun 
This is an AND2 Phase 2 (F-H) entry. © 2006-2008 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.