haras (1165-80 (?))

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haras (1165-80 (?))


  FEW:  hârr 16,173b Gdf: GdfC:  haras 9,746a TL: haraz 2 4,899 DEAF:  haraz 1 H177 DMF:  haras 1  TLF:  haras 1  OED:  haras n.  MED:  haras n.  DMLBS:  haracium 1 1134c
harace,  harase,  harasse,  haratz,  haraz,  haraze;  harez;  harraç,  harras;  aras,  arasse; 
pl. harascz,  harraz,  haralz  158
pl. hars  ii 39  


1horseslivestockzool.stud-farm, collection of horses kept for breeding
( 1165-80?; MS: s.xiiiin )  De nuvel l'ai pris (=the horse) del haraz  267.82
( c.1290; MS: 1307-25 )  Harras dist hom des poleins (M.E. coltes)  227
( c.1292; MS: c.1300 )  As vaches et a genices et as harascz des jumentz et des poleyns en boys  ii 68
( 1347 )  iiij jumentz de mon haratz de Sussex  i 43
( MS: s.xiii2 )  in equitio: (C) en le haras(var. (D: xiii/xiv) harace; (L: xiii/xiv) arasse)  ii 77
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