[martiriser] (c.1213)

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[martiriser] (c.1213)

[ gdw]

[ FEW: 6/i,395a martyr; Gdf: ; GdfC: 10,128b martyriser; TL: 5,1218 martirisier; DEAF:  martire (martiriser); DMF:  martyriser; TLF:  martyriser; OED:  martyrize v.; MED: ; DMLBS: 1728b martyrizare ]
martireizer,  martirezer,  martirizer,  martirizier,  martyrezer,  martyrizer, 
p.p. marturizez  7.22  


1theol.to martyr, to torture and kill someone because of his or her faith
( c.1213; MS: s.xivin )  E lur [seinz] cors jurent meint jur En cele cité enterrez U il furent martyrizez  864
( s.xiii4/4; MS: 1307-15 )  Seint Thomas fu martyrezé en sa eglise demeine a Cantorbire  222
( s.xiiiex; MS: c.1300? )  Puis vindrent a seint Edmund si l'unt martyrizé  194
to slaughter, massacre
( s.xiii1/3; MS: s.xivin )  Ohi! Mult grant vengement Deu feseit de cele gent; Enpur lur ancien peché Esteient si martyrizé  4282
martir#1  martire#1  martire#2  martirement  martirer 
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