masticacion (c.1300)

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masticacion (c.1300)

[ gdw]

[ FEW: 6/i,460a masticare; Gdf: ; GdfC: 10,130c mastication; TL: ; DEAF:  mastication; DMF:  mastication; TLF:  mastication; OED:  mastication n.; MED:  masticacioun n.; DMLBS: 1730c masticatio ]


1med.masticatory, medical preparation that has to be chewed
( c.1300; MS: s.xivin )  Ausi a la foiz avient ceste maladie as enfans e donc deit hom mettre tute la cure a la norice e en electuaries e sirups e poudres e masticacions e fumigations  ii 143.41
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