parboiler2 (s.xiii2)

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parboiler2 (s.xiii2)

[ hap]

  FEW:  bullire 1,622a Gdf:  parboillir 5,743b GdfC: TL: parbolir 7,200 DEAF:  bolir (parbolir)  DMF:  parboullir  TLF: OED:  parboil v.  MED:  parboilen v.  DMLBS:
parboilhir,  parbuler,  perboillir  

The verbs parboiler1 and parboiler2 have been separated into two entries due to the different etymons for their prefix (par2 versus part), though such a separation is not found in other dictionaries where both senses are attested. In addition, the use of the prefix part and sense (reflected in parboiler1) seems to only be attested in AN and not OF.

The sense of these verbs in English and French is significantly different as English uses the verb to refer to the thing placed in the boiling liquid while French uses it to refer to the liquid being boiled (away). AN seems to have both these senses.

While Lewis and Short attest a perbullio with the sense 'to boil thoroughly', no such verb can be found in ML according to the DMLBS.

v.a. boil thoroughly, completely
( 1266-1300; MS: c.1300 )  quant le lait sera parboli, t'estuet meller un poi d'eiwe teude  113.1517
( s.xivin )  Pernez les piez e les orailles de porc, si les puissez en bon vin; e quant il sunt bien perboillez [...]  (A) 22 boil away, reduce
( MS: s.xiii2 )  deske la terce partie de la liquor seit parboilé  49r15 reduce the moist quality of a wine during maturation
( 1266-1300; MS: c.1300 )  Car li vins qui est fais de blanches grapes al comencement est escolorez en semblance d'eiwe, por ce que encore est eiwous et cru par la raison que la chalor naturel du vin n'a pas parboilhi la moistece  97.922
buillir  par#2 
This is an AND2 Phase 4 (N-O/U-P-Q) entry. © 2013-17 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.