pointel1 (1190-93)

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pointel1 (1190-93)

[ gdw]

  FEW:  puncta *9,578b Gdf:  pointel 6,254a GdfC: TL: pointel 7,1323 DEAF:  point (pointal)  / point (pointel)  DMF:  pointel  TLF:  pointal  OED:  pointel n.  MED:  pointel n.  DMLBS:

pl. poynteuz  


1weaponsmil.tip, point of a spear
( 1190-93; MS: s.xiv1 )  Le seint martyr [...] bersé fu de tutes parz ke de saietes, ke de darz [...]. E les granz playes i remisrent Tant espessement en le cors Ke point d’enter ne pert dehors, Ou le point tuchast d’un pointel, Ke blesm[i]e ne fust la pel  2467
2implementstylus, writing instrument
( 1273-82; MS: s.xivex )  Requor le que te face cire Et s’amor pointel pur escrire  2580
( MS: s.xiiiex )  Vidi hodie institorem habentem ante se cultellos ad mensam, mensacuas et artavos, vaginas magnas et parvas, stilos (gloss: (C) poy[n]teuz) (var. (L: s.xiii) grefes;  (D*: s.xiii/xiv) graffis ) et stilaria  i 197.16 and ii 128.16
poignanment  poignant  poigné#1  poindre#1  point#1  pointeié  pointel#2  pointelé  pointement  pointer#1  pointerole  pointet  pointing  pointur#1  pointure 
This is an AND2 Phase 4 (N-O/U-P-Q) entry. © 2013-17 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.