runcin (s.xii2/4)

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runcin (s.xii2/4)


  FEW:  *runcinus 10,575b Gdf:  ronci 7,234a / roncin 7,234b GdfC: TL: roncin 8,1453 DEAF:  roncin  DMF:  ronci  / roncin  TLF: OED:  rouncy n.1  MED:  rounci n.  DMLBS:  runcinus 2872b
roncin,  roncyn;  rouncin,  rouncyn;  runci,  runcyn, 
pl. runcis,  runcine  ii 113.70 runciny  ii 71.69 (L)  

The deviant plural form runciny in TLL 71.69 (L) seems more plausible as a variant spelling of runcenei (‘bramble patch’). However, the word serves as a gloss to Latin manni (plural of mannus: ‘small riding horse’, DMLBS 1706c), parallel to Anglo-Norman palefreis in MS (D) (cf. palefrei ‘saddle-horse’), leaving no doubt as to its intended meaning.


1zool.mammalshorsesrouncy, small horse used for riding or as a packhorse (sometimes with a connotation of poor quality)
( MS: s.xii2/4 )  N’i perdrat Carles [...] palefreid ne destrer [...], Ne n’i perdrat ne runcin ne sumer  758
( 1160-74; MS: s.xiiiin )  Pernent palefreis e destriers, Trossent roncins, chargent somiers [...]  ii 71.4960
( s.xiiiin; MS: s.xiii2 )  Malement avez ore alé, Kant si pres vus suent sé runcis defiez  2503
( s.xiii1/4; MS: s.xiiim )  Gerard s'adube des armes al chemin; Le runcin laisset, al bon cheval s'asist  385
( s.xivin; MS: s.xivm )  de un roncyn bien portant [ou de hostyour bien volant]  135
( MS: s.xiv2 )  si la meité de l'urine en amunt est rouge e trouble ensement cum estal de roncin [...]  ii 260
cowe de runcin
cuir de runcin
1leatherskinszool.mammalshorses(leather made of) horse-hide
( s.xii3/4; MS: s.xiv2 )  Suz ciel n'ad forteresce, mur ne fossé marins A un engin qu'il ont tost ne seit [mis] sovins. Il est fet de marien e de quirs de roncins  6095
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