stanche1 (c.1300)

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stanche1 (c.1300)


[FEW: *12,235a *stanticare; Gdf: ; GdfC: ; TL: ; DEAF:  estanchier (*); DMF: ; TLF: ; OED: ; MED:  staunche n.; DMLBS: ]


1bot.staunch weed, plant that staunches bleeding, yarrow (Achillea millefolium) or shepherd’s purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris)
( MS: c.1300 ) Pernez ache, kersun, en esté le herbe, en yver la semence, stanche, henne[bane], kersun  323.90
( MS: c.1340 ) bursa pastoris: (B2) gallice bource de pastour vel staunche vel sanguinarie  59
( MS: s.xv2 ) nasturcium porcinum: (C16) stanche, anglice swynisgrasse  185
estance#1  stancher  stank 
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