stand (1395)

stand (1395)


[FEW: ; Gdf: ; GdfC: ; TL: ; DEAF: ; DMF: ; TLF: ; OED:  stand n.1; MED:  stond(e n.; DMLBS: ]

The context – the statutes of the bow-makers – is not sufficiently clear to distinguish the precise meaning of the word. The fact that ‘goods are shown’ suggests a connection with OED stand n.1, with the meaning ‘stall, booth’, attested from 1508. An earlier sense of the word is ‘a position from which the shoot a bow’ (MED stond(e n., attested from c.1410), which may also be relevant here. In addition, it is not out of the question that the word, used here together with un four (‘an oven’) (?), is the same as Latin standus (DMLBS 3182b), which means ‘barrel, tub’, but also ‘cooking vessel’. This is equivalent to OED stand n.2 (which does not include the sense ‘cooking vessel’) and MED stand(e n. (which includes ‘cooking vessel of some kind’, but only for the compound stand worter).


1merch.stand, stall, booth (for selling and/or demonstrating bows)
( 1395 ) [...] que nul mestre du dite artifice avera par luy ne par les soens en nul lieu hors de la citee d’Everwyk, pur monstrer lours darrez (=goods) del dit artifice, forsque soulement un stand ou un four sur peine de .xx. s.  i 54
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