superlatif (s.xivin)

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superlatif (s.xivin)


 FEW:  superlativus 12,442a Gdf:  supellatif 7,592a GdfC:  superlatif 10,727c TL: superlatif 9,1078 DEAF:  superlatif  DMF:  superlatif  TLF:  superlatif  OED:  superlative a. and n.  MED:  superlatif a. DMLBS:  superlativus 3311c


1 gramm. superlative, pertaining to the highest degree of comparison of an adjective or adverb
( MS: s.xivin ) acun comparatif gré heu superlatif [...]. Si superlatif gré vient devant mun ded, il sera genetif case  15


1 gramm. superlative, form that represents the highest degree of comparison of an adjective or adverb
( c.1400; MS: s.xv1 ) le comparatif, si come [...] le suppellatif, si come tres bon, tres mauvais  146
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