taburer2 (1194-99)

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taburer2 (1194-99)


  FEW:  tabir 19,174a Gdf:  taborer 7,619b / taborner 7,620a GdfC:  tabouriner 10,737c TL: taborer 10,21 / taborner 10,24 DEAF:  tabor (taborer)  / tabor (taborner)  DMF:  tambourer  / tambouriner  TLF:  tambouriner OED:  tabor v. MED:  tabouren v. DMLBS:  taburare 3358c
tabarer,  taburner,  thaboror,  thabourer  


1 musicsound to beat the drum
( 1194-99; MS: s.xiii2 )  venoient Cil qui les busines tenoient, Li autre timbres e taburs. Ne faisoient altres laburs Fors taburer e noise faire Et huer e crier e braire  6230
( 1194-99; MS: s.xiii2 )  Li un alouent thaborant E li autre al besoing corant  3412
2musicsoundto make a racket, banging noise
( 1194-99; MS: s.xiii2 )  Dedenz Acre Des noveles quant il les sorent Qu’il tombouent e thabourent. Si qu’autre rien ne labourent  3242
tabur  taburer#1  taburie  tambusteiz 
This is an AND2 Phase 6 (T-Z) entry. © 2022-25 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.