tapsie2 (s.xiii2/4)

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tapsie2 (s.xiii2/4)


  FEW: Gdf: GdfC: TL: DEAF: DMF: TLF: OED:  Thapsus n.  MED:  tapsus barbastus n.  DMLBS:  thapsus 3429a

Latin tapsus; 
Latin gen. tapsi  


tapsie barbaste
1bot.mullein, plant with small yellow flowers, Verbascum thapsus
( s.xiii2/4; MS: s.xiii3/4 ) face l'en subfumigaciuns et fomentaciuns de kalendula et de tapsie barbaste quitis en vin blaunc  i 226
( c.1240; MS: s.xiii3/4 ) por asuager la dulur de la racine tapsi barbasti e de maruil neir  i 82
( c.1240; MS: s.xiii3/4 ) e boilliez en cest les racines d'une herbe que est apelé tapsus barbastus  i 58
This is an AND2 Phase 6 (T-Z) entry. © 2022-25 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.