traversel (c.1292)

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traversel (c.1292)


[FEW: 13/ii,222b and 226a transversus; Gdf: 8,29b traversel; GdfC: 10,802a transversal; TL: 10,550 traversal; DEAF:  travers (traversal); DMF:  transversal / traversel; TLF:  transversal; OED:  transversal a. / traversal n.; MED:  transversal(e a.; DMLBS: 3488c transversalis]
transversal,  transversel  


1kinship(of a genealogical line) transversal, collateral (i.e. between siblings, cousins, etc.)
( c.1292; MS: c.1300 ) La nature del plee de cosinage sert a fere conustre les descentes et les resortes ausi bien de la dreite line cum des lines traverseles  ii 166.5
( c.1292; MS: c.1300 ) cum defaute serra trové en la line transversele descendaunt, si serrount ceux resceivables qi serrount trovez plus proscheins amountaunt en acune line transversele  ii 312.1
( c.1420 ) lez .iiijor. degreez serrount accomptez en le linie transversale et nemi en le linie lineall  i lxx.54


1kinshiptransversal, collateral genealogical line (i.e. between siblings, cousins, etc.)
( c.1292; MS: c.1300 ) Et en la dreite line descendaunt sount cosins, ausi bien cum sount es traverseles  ii 163.3
travers  traversable  traversain  traverser  traversere  traversin 
This is an AND2 Phase 6 (T-Z) entry. © 2022-25 The Anglo-Norman Dictionary. All rights reserved. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of the United Kingdom.