ursin (s.xiii1)

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ursin (s.xiii1)


  FEW:  ursus 14,65b-66a Gdf:  oursin 5,667a GdfC:  branche ursine 8,366c TL: DEAF:  ors (orsin)  DMF:  oursin  / branche-ursine  TLF:  branche-ursine  OED:  brank-ursine n.  MED:  brank ursine n.  DMLBS:  ursinus 3565c
urcin,  urcine,  ursina,  ursine,  ursinee; 
Latin acc. ursinam  

The adjective only appears to be attested in the plant name branche ursine. The medieval association with branche stems from an incorrect translation of the Latin name for the plant: branca ursina (literally ‘bear’s claw’).

The phrase branc de ursine (uniquely attested in BL, Sloane 282, cf. Plant Names 54), where ursine appears to be used as a substantive, is unetymological (and is possibly a transmission error of branche ursine).


branche ursine
1bot.brank-ursine, bear's breech, acanthus
( s.xiii1; MS: c.1365 ) Branc ursin si est bon pur enmeurer apostemes en tiele manere: pernez les foilles de branc ursin, si les braez ou viel oint de porc, si metez sure  22.576.77
( c.1240; MS: s.xiii3/4 ) Metez i choses por amaurir sicum malve, brancham ursinam e les autres choses que devant dit[es] sunt  i 78
( s.xiii2/4; MS: s.xiii3/4 )  Ou l'en quise les racines brance ursine et altee en oile comune et face l'en emplastre sor l'oreile, si vaudra mult  i 189
( s.xiii2; MS: c.1400 )  Branca ursina stipitem habet ut olus [...] gallice branch [u]rsine a[nglic]e sedokke  25.24-5
( MS: s.xiv1/4 ) Branca Ursina: brank ursine(var. (A1: 1280-1310) gallice la grant mave, anglice holihok)  (B1) 54
urs  urse  ursel  ursetel  ursus 
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