Bibliography of Anglo-Norman Primary Sources
An annotated bibliography, organized alphabetically per AND siglum/abbreviation, of all known Anglo-Norman primary sources available to the AND. Press on a letter to view the sources beginning with the letter.
References are given to Ruth J. Dean and Maureen B.M Boulton, Anglo-Norman Literature: A Guide to Texts and Manuscripts, ANTS Occasional Publications Series 3, London, 1999, and links to the DEAF open on the Complément bibliographique of the Dictionnaire Étymologique de l'Ancien Français website.
Va Soryte
Va, soryte, Deu te maudye! (BL, Egerton 613)
Daron Burrows, ‘Va, soryte, Deu te maudye! (Egerton 613): On Living with Mice in Medieval Britain’, Notes and Queries 67:3 (2020), 333-36.
s.xiii4/4; 1275-1325 (MS)
Dean: 215
Notes: Previously published in Rel Ant (IV).
Vanitez Mounde
Vanitez du mounde (BL, Arundel 220)
IN: John Koch, ‘Anglonormannische Texte im MS. Arundel 220 des Britischen Museums’, Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie 54 (1934), 20-56 (pp. 42-45).
s.xiv1/4 (MS)
Dean: 273
Vanity Poem
Moralizing poem on the vanity of the world (New Haven, Yale University, Beinecke Library, 590
IN: Alfred Ewert, ‘An early manuscript of the Roman des Romans’, Modern Language Review 23 (1928), 299-306 (pp. 299-301).
s.xiii1 (MS)
Dean: 603
Notes: Only provides the first 44 and 38 last lines of this incomplete text, as well as some further excerpts.
Variation interne
Three Anglo-Norman documents from Westmorland, Hereford and Wales
David Trotter, 'Peut-on parler de variation interne dans l’anglo-normand?', in Dominique
Lagorgette, Repenser l’histoire du français? Actes du Colloque de Chambéry 2011, Chambéry, 2014, pp. 89-105 (esp. pp. 93-95).
Dean: —
Details: Cumbria Record Office, Kendal, WDX 373/T3 (1351)
Hereford Cathedral Archive, charter 2111 (1359)
TNA SC 2/217/6, m.25 (1340).
Two A-N translations of the Pater Noster in Paris, BN, franç., 1 (The Anglo-Norman Bible)
IN: Siegfried Heinimann, Oratio Dominica Romanice. Das Vaterunser in den romanischen Sprachen von den Anfängen bis ins 16. Jahrhundert, Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie 219, Tübingen, 1988, p. 105.
s.xii; s.xiv (A-N texts)
Dean: —
Details: The edition also contains one Pater Noster translation found in the Cambridge Psalter. For this text, the AND uses Camb Ps 286-87.
Translation of De re militari of Flavius Vegetius Renatus by Maistre Richard
MS: Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum, Marlay Add. 1, ff. 3r-90r.
1271-72; s.xiii4/4 (MS)
DEAF: VégèceRichT
Dean: 389
Notes: Previously veg.
Extracts published in L. Thorpe, ‘Mastre Richard: A Thirteenth-Century Translator of the De re militari of Vegetius’, Scriptorium 6 (1952), 39-50 and 7 (1953), 120-121.
Replaced in AND2 by vegetius2.
Translation of De re militari of Flavius Vegetius Renatus by Maistre Richard (Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum, Marlay Add. 1)
Lionel K. Carley, The Anglo-Norman Vegetius, A Thirteenth Century Translation of the ‘De Re Militari’ of Flavius Vegetius Renatus, unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of Nottingham, 1962.
1271-72; s.xiii4/4 (MS)
DEAF: VégèceRichT
Dean: 389
Notes: Previously veg1.
Veni Cr Greg
Veni Creator Spiritus (Paris BN franç. 24766)
IN: Renato Orengo, ‘Le Dialogue de Saint Grégoire le Grand traduit par Angier: Introduction et édition’, unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Zurich, 1969, f. 2r.
1213 (MS)
Dean: 838 (1)
Notes: Previously Veni Cr.
Precedes Angier’s translation of the Dialogues of Gregory the Great; see Dial Greg.
Veni Cr MAE
Three A-N translations of Veni Creator Spiritus
S. Harrison Thomson, ‘Three Anglo-Norman Translations of Veni Creator Spiritus’, Medium Ævum 8 (1939), 33-36.
(I) Oxford, St. John’s College, 136, ff. 79v-80r; s.xiiim (MS) (pp. 35-36); Dean: 838 (2).
(II) Oxford, Bodleian Library, Digby 86, ff. 67v-68r; 1272-82 (MS) (p. 37); Dean: 838 (3); see also Digby (XVII).
(III) Cambridge, University Library, Ee.6.16, f. 206v; s.xivm (MS) (p. 38); Dean: 838 (5); see also Lyric (XXIII).
Veni Cr SATF
Veni Creator Spiritus (Paris BN franç. 24766)
IN: Renato Orengo, Les Dialogues de Grégoire le Grand traduits par Angier, 2 vols, Societé des anciens Textes français, Paris, 2013, vol. 2, pp. 9-11.
1213 (MS)
Dean: 838 (1)
Notes: Precedes Angier’s translation of the Dialogues of Gregory the Great; see Dial Greg satf.
La Vengeance de Nostre-Seigneur, a.k.a. Prise de Jerusalem or Curaison de Tiberie
MS: BL, Egerton 613, 21v-25r.
c.1200; s.xiiim (MS)
DEAF: VenjNSa/b.../S
Dean: 502
Notes: Previously Venj.
Replaced in AND2 by MS ‘I’ of Venj3.
La Vengeance de Nostre-Seigneur, a.k.a. Prise de Jerusalem or Curaison de Tiberie (the ‘D’ family)
IN: Alvin E. Ford, ‘La Vengeance de Nostre-Seigneur’: The Old and Middle French Prose Versions, vol. 2, Studies and Text 115, Toronto, 1993, pp. 52-64.
s.xiii1; c.1340 (base MS)
Dean: 502
Details: Based on BL, Harley 2253 (i.e. MS ‘D’), with variants from BL, Egerton 2710 (i.e. MS ‘D1) (s.xiiim); Paris, BN, franç. 19525 (i.e. MS ‘D2’) (s.xiiiex); Aberysytwyth, National Library of Wales, 5028C (i.e. MS ‘D3’) (s.xiv4/4); and Cambridge, University Library, Addit. 2751 (8) (i.e. MS ‘D4’) (s.xiiiex).
Notes: See also Harley Complete (VI)
La Vengeance de Nostre-Seigneur, a.k.a. Prise de Jerusalem or Curaison de Tiberie (the ‘I’ family)
IN: Alvin E. Ford, ‘La Vengeance de Nostre-Seigneur’: The Old and Middle French Prose Versions, vol. 2, Studies and Text 115, Toronto, 1993, pp. 196-205.
s.xiii1; xiiim (MS)
Dean: 502
Notes: For a Modern English translation, see Maureen B.M. Boulton, Piety and Persecution in the French Texts of England, The French of England Translation Series 6, Tempe 2013, pp. 125-33.
Ver del Juise
Li Ver del Juise
Erik Rankka, Li ver del juïse. Sermon en vers du XIIe siècle, Acta Universitatis Upsalensis, Studia Romanica Upsalensia 33, Uppsala, 1982.
s.xiiiin (base MS)
DEAF: JuiseR
Dean: 638
Details: Based on Oxford, Bodleian Library, Canonici misc. 74 (i.e. MS ‘A’), with variants of Manchester, John Rylands University Library, Fr. 6 (i.e. MS ‘R’; s.xiii2) and Paris, BN, franc. 19525 (i.e. MS ‘B’; s.xiiim). Ll. 413-80 are based on MS ‘B’.
Notes: A-N redaction of a Continental composition. Note that the base MS of this edition (MS ‘A’) is Walloon.
En un verger m’en entray, A-N courtly love poem (BL, Cotton Caligula A. XVIII)
IN: Francisque Michel, Collection de Documents inédits sur l'histoire de France: Rapports au Ministre, Paris, 1838, pp. 134-35.
s.xiv1/3 (MS)
Dean: 128
Vernac Glosses
A-N and M.E. glosses to Latin texts in Oxford, Bodleian Library, Rawlinson C.496, and G.99, as well as Oxford, Corpus Christi College, D121 and E62
Tony Hunt, ‘Vernacular Glosses in Medieval Manuscripts’, Cultura Neolatina 39 (1979), 9-37.
(I) John of Garland’s Ars Lectopria Ecclesie in Oxford, Bodleian Library, Rawlinson C.496 (p. 11).
(II) John of Garland’s Dictionarius in Oxford, Bodleian Library, Rawlinson C.496 (pp. 11-16) s.xiiiin and Oxford, Bodleian Library, Rawlinson G.99 (pp. 16-20) s.xiii1 (pp. 11-20); for different MSS, see TLL ii 125-56.
(III) Eberhardus Bethuniensis’s Graecismus in Oxford, Corpus Christi College, E62 (pp. 22-27) s.xiii and Oxford, Corpus Christi College, D 121 (pp. 27-28) s.xiii (pp. 22-28).
(IV) Alexander de Villa-Dei’s Doctrinale in Oxford, Corpus Christi College D 121 (pp. 29-30) s.xiii and Oxford, Bodleian Library, Rawlinson C.496 (p. 31) s.xiiiin (pp. 29-31).
(V) Anonymous lexical notes in Oxford, Bodleian Library, Rawlinson C.496; s.xiiiin (pp. 31-32).
(VI) Distigium in Oxford, Bodleian Library, Rawlinson C.496; s.xiiiin (pp. 32-36).
Dean: —
Vernac Lit
Excerpts from various Anglo-Norman texts
Jocelyn Wogan-Browne, Thelma Fenster and Delbert Russell, Vernacular Literary Theory from the French of Medieval England: Texts and Translations, c.1120-c.1450, Cambridge, 2016.
(I) Excerpts from the Description of England (BL, Addit. 14252) (pp. 15-18); Dean: 5; see Description Prose.
(IIa) Prologue (BL Addit. 70513) and epilogue (Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana, Reg. lat. 489) of Life of Edward the Confessor, by a nun of Barking (pp. 19-24); Dean: 523; see S Edw barking.
(IIb) Picard Prose Redaction of the Prologue and epilogue of Life of Edward the Confessor, by a nun of Barking (BL, Egerton 745) (pp. 24-25); Dean: 253; not used in the AND.
(III) Excerpt of Le Roman de Rou by Wace (BL, Royal 4 C.XI) (pp. 26-36); Dean: 2.1; see Rom de Rou wace.
(IV) Prologue to Ipomedon by Hue de Rotelande (BL, Cotton Vespasian A.VII) (pp. 36-40); Dean: 162; see Ipom bfr.
(V) Prologue to Le Chasteau d’amuour by Robert Grosseteste (Princeton University Library, Taylor Medieval MS 1); s.xiii1/3; a.1279 (MS) (pp. 40-45); Dean: 622; for variant manuscripts, see Chast Amour.
(VI) Prologue to Waldef (Cologny-Geneva, Bibl. Bodmeriana 168) (pp. 45-51); Dean: 155; see Waldef bb.
(VIIa) Prologue and opening to Tretiz de Language by Walter of Bibbesworth (BL, Addit. 46919) (pp. 52-56); Dean: 285; see bibb MS ‘C’.
(VIIb) Prologue to the 1396 Manière de langage (BL, Harley 3988) (pp. 57-60); s.xiv4/4 (MS); and excerpt form the 1415 Manière de langage (Oxford, Bodleian Library, Latin misc. e.93) (pp. 61-62); s.xvm (MS) (pp. 57-62); Dean: 281; for variant manuscripts, see Man lang ants.
(VIIc) Excerpts from Ars dictaminis, attributed to Thomas Sampson (Cambridge University Library, Ee.iv.20) (pp. 62-69); Dean: 317; see Ars Dict (II).
(VIId) Prologue to a Treatise on Conveyance ascribed to Simon of O[xford] (BL, Harley 4971); s.xiv2; s.xiv3/4 (MS) (pp. 69-73); Dean: —.
(VIIe) Prologue to Donait françois by John Barton (Oxford, All Souls College, 182) (pp. 73-75); Dean: 290; see Barton1.
(VIIIa) Excerpts from Liber Custumarum by Andre Horn: ‘Qui veut bone electioun faire’ and ‘La feste royale du Pui’ (pp. 75-82); Dean: —; see Lib Cust 16-25 and 216-28.
(VIIIb) Excerpts from Mirour de l’omme by John Gower (Cambridge, University Library, Addit. 3035) (pp. 82-87); Dean: 709; see gower Mirour.
(IX) Prologue to Le Voyage de saint Brendan (Paris, BN, nouv. acq. fr. 4503) (pp. 95-98); Dean: 504; see S Brend mup.
(X) Extracts from L’Estoire des Engleis by Gaimar (Durham Cathedral Library, C.IV.27) (pp. 99-103); Dean: 1; see gaimar1.
(XIa) Prologue to Le Gracial by Adgar (BL, Addit. 38664) (pp. 103-07); Dean: 558; see adgar3 MS (B).
(XIb) Two epilogues to La Vie de saint Thomas Becket by Guernes de Pont-Ste-Maxence (Paris, BN, fond français 13513) (pp. 108-113); Dean: 508; see Becket1 MS (P).
(XII) Prologue to La Vie de sainte Fey by Simon of Walsingham (BL, Addit. 70513) (pp. 113-19); Dean: 570; see S Foy.
(XIII) Prologue and epilogue to La Vie de saint Edmund by Matthew Paris (BL, Addit. 70513) (pp. 120-27); Dean: 521; see S Edm (Rich).
(XIV) Prologue and excerpts from Miroir ou Evangiles des domnees by Robert of Gretham (Nottingham University Library, MiLM4) (pp. 127-35); Dean: 589; see Mirur2.
(XV) Prologue to Roman de Dieu et de sa mere, by Herman de Valenciennes (BL, Harley 222); 1189-95 (?); 1280? (MS) (pp. 135-40); Dean: 485; For different sections in different manuscripts, see Creation, Rom 15 (Gg.1.1) (XIII) and Trois Rois.
(XVI) Prologue to Scalacronica by Sir Thomas Gray of Heton (Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 133) (pp. 140-50); Dean: 74; see Scalacronica.
(XVII) Prologue and extracts from Le Bestiaire divin by Guillaume le clerc de Normandie (pp. 156-60); Dean: 702; see Best guill.
(XVIII) Prologue to La Destruction de Rome (BL, Egerton 3028) (pp. 160-64); Dean: 82.1; see Dest Rome2.
(XIX) Extract of the prologue of La Lumere as lais by Pierre d’Abernun of Fetcham (Dublin, Trinity College, 209); 1267; s.xiv (MS) (pp. 165-73); Dean: 630; for variant manuscripts, see Lum Lais MS and Lum Lais ants.
(XXa) The Lambeth Apocalypse: Penitence Diagram (London, Lambeth Palace, 209); 1265-81; s.xiiiex (MS) (pp. 173-78); Dean: 673.
(XXb) Second Epilogue of Les Enfaunces de Jesu Crist (Oxford, Bodleian Library, Selden Supra 38) (pp. 178-84); Dean: 495; see Enfances.
(XXc and d) Two genealogical roll chronicles (Oxford, Bodleian Library, Ashmole Rolls 38); c.1307-10; s.xiv1 (MS) (pp. 184-95); Dean: 6.
(XXe) Prologue to a genealocical roll (Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodley Rolls 2); c.1443; s.xvm (MS) (pp. 195-203); Dean: 10.
(XXI) Prologue, exctracts and explicit to Rossignos by Jean of Howden (Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 471) (pp. 204-11); Dean: 626; see Ross ants.
(XXII) Excerpts from Mirour de seinte Eglyse (BL, Harley 1121); s.xiii2/4; 1275-1325 (MS) (pp. 212-22); Dean: 629; see also Mirour Egl variant MS B4.
(XXIII) Extracts from Sermons 4 and 5 of the Sermons on Joshua (Paris, BN, fonds français, 19525); s.xiii1; c.1230-50 (MS) (pp. 222-31); Dean: 595; see also Joshua Sermons variant MS ‘P’.
(XXIVa) Introduction and preface to Dialogues of St. Gregory the Great, translated by Angier (Paris, BN, fonds français, 24766) (pp. 232-42); Dean: 512; see Dial Greg satf.
(XXIVb) Prologue to Le Manuel des pechiez by William Wadington (Cambridge, University Library, Mm.6.4); c.1260; c.1300 (MS) (pp. 242-47); Dean: 635; for excerpts, see also Rom 15 (Mm.6.4); for the full text see Man pechez ants.
(XXVa) Prologue to Life of Saint Nicholas by Wace (Paris, Bibliothèque de l’Arsenal, 3516); c.1150; 1267-68 (MS) (pp. 252-55); Dean: 537.1; see also S Nichol wace variant MS ‘A’.
(XXVb) Prologue to La vie de seint Clement (Cambridge, Trinity College, R.3.46) (pp. 255-60); Dean: 517; see S Clem ants.
(XXVI) Commentary on the Chant des Chanz (Oxford, Bodleian Library, Rawlinson Poetry 234) (pp. 261-70); Dean: 461; see Chant Chanz.
(XXVII) Prologue to book 1 of La vie de seint Edmund le rei by Denis Piramus (BL, Cotton Domitian A.XI) (pp. 270-76); Dean: 520; see S Edm Life1.
(XXVIII) Prologue to Le Roman de toute chevalerie by Thomas of Kent (Paris, BN, fond français, 24364); s.xii3/4; c.1310 (MS) (pp. 277-81); Dean: 165; see also Rom Chev ants variant MS ‘P’.
(XXIX) Two versions of the prologue to La seinte Resurrecion (Paris, BN, fonds français 902 and BL, Addit. 45103) (pp. 281-87); Dean: 717; see Resur.
(XXX) Prologue to La Vie de seint Josaphaz (Oxford, Jesus College, 29); s.xiiex-xiiiin; s.xiii3/4 (MS) (pp. 287-93); Dean: 532; see also Josaphaz2, variant MS ‘O’.
(XXXI) Prologue to Fouke le Fitz Waryn (BL, Royal 12 C.XII) (pp. 293-302); Dean: 156; see Fouke ants.
(XXXIIa) First 78 lines of a treatise on menstruation Sicom Aristotle nous dit (Cambridge, Trinity College, O.2.5); s.xiv1; c.1330-60 (MS) (pp. 303-08); Dean: 423; for an edition of the first 20 lines, see also Rom 32 (O.2.5) (V).
(XXXIIb) Prologue to the Ornatus mulierum (Oxford, Bodleian Library, Ashmole 1470) (pp. 309-13); Dean: 426; see Orn Dames.
(XXXIII) Extract and prologue to Secré de secrez by Jofroi de Waterford and Servais Copale (Paris, BN, fonds français, 1822) (pp. 314-19); Dean: 239; see Waterford busby (III).
(XXXIV) Prologue and Epilogue to Le Miracle de Sardenai (Tours, Bibliothèque municipale, 927) (pp. 319-28); Dean: 563; see Sardenai.
(XXXV) Epilogue to Mandeville’s Travels, by Jean de Mandeville (Oxford, Bodleian Library, Ashmole 1804); 1356-57; s.xv1 (MS) (pp. 328-32); Dean: 341; see also Mandeville (for different manuscripts).
(XXXVI) Beginning of the foundation legend of the Crabhouse nunnery (BL, Addit. 4733) (pp. 332-39); Dean: —; see Reg Crabhouse.
(XXXVII) Prologue to Distichs of Cato of Everart (Oxford, Bodleian Library, Eng. Poet. a.1); 1180-1220; s.xivex (MS) (pp. 346-51); Dean: 255; see also cato everard ants, variant manuscript 'V'.
(XXXVIII) Prologue to Roman de Philosophie by Simund de Freine (BL, Addit. 46919); s.xiiex; c.1330 (MS) (pp. 352-54); Dean: 243; see also Rom Phil, variant manuscript ‘C’.
(XXXIX) Prologue to the Proverbs of Salomon by Sanson de Nantuil (BL, Harley 4388) (pp. 355-63); Dean: 458; see Salemon.
(XL) First 62 lines of Art de Kalender, by Rauf de Lindham (Cambridge, University Library, Gg.1.1); 1256; 1307-20 (MS) (pp. 363-67); Dean: 342; see also rauf ants, variant manuscript ‘C’.
(XLI) Prologue to L’estoire del saint Graal, ascribed to Robert de Boron, Walter Map (BL, Royal 19 C.XII); c.1220-30; s.xiv1 (MS) (pp. 367-78); Dean: -.
(XLII) Prologue to the Mohun Chronicle (BL, Addit. 62929) (pp. 378-83); Dean: 65; see Mohun.
(XLIII) Prologue to Poeme sur l’Ancien Testament (BL, Egerton 2710) (pp. 383-87); Dean: 462; see Anc Test, MS ‘E’.
(XLIV) Le Débat des hérauts d’armes de France et d’Angleterre (pp. 389-400); is not Anglo-Norman, but a Continental French composition, preserved in a book printed in Rouen.
DEAF: VernacTheory
Vic et virtut
A-N verse illustrating a Latin compilation, based on De viciis et virtutibus by Guillaume Peraul, O.P. (Oxford, Balliol College, 83)
IN: Edmund Stengel, ‘Handschriftliches aus Oxford’, Zeitschrift für französische Sprache und Literatur 14 (1892), 127-60 (pp. 159-60).
s.xiv2 (MS)
Dean: 676
Notes: The edition provides only the last two of four sections.
Views of Hosts
A-N in Views of Hosts for London, Southampton and Hull (TNA documents)
Helen Bradley, Views of Hosts: Reporting the Alien Commodity Trade, 1440-45.
Dean: —
Details: E101/128/30 return 1, return 2, return 4, return 5, return 6, return 7, return 8, return 9, return 10, return 11, return 14, return 15.
E101/128/31 return 1, return 2, return 3, return 4, return 6, return 7, return 8, return 9, return 10, return 13, return 22, return 24, return 26, return 27, return 28, return 29, return 30, return 36, return 51, return 53, return 54.
Notes: For a Modern English translation of the material, see Helen Bradley, The Views of the Hosts of Alien Merchants, 1440-1444, London Record Society, London, 2012.
J. G. Nichols, ‘The Muniments of the Vintners’ Company’, Transactions of the London and Middlesex Archaeological Society 3 (1870), 432-47.
Dean: —
Notes: Does not contain edited material, but cites one A-N phrase on p. 432.
Vis S Paul3
Anonymous St Paul’s Vision of Hell in alexandrines (Paris, BN, franç., 24862)
Léon E. Kastner, ‘Les versions françaises inédites de la Descente de saint Paul en enfer’, Revue des Langues romanes 48 (1905), 385-95.
s.xiiim (MS)
Dean: 554
Notes: Replaced in AND2 by Vis S Paul alex.
Vis S Paul alex
Anonymous St Paul’s Vision of Hell in alexandrines (Paris, BN, franç., 24862)
IN: Reginald C. D. Perman, ‘Henri d’Arci, the Shorter Works’, in Elizabeth A. Francis, Studies in Medieval French Presented to Alfred Ewert, Oxford, 1961, pp. 279-321 (pp. 308-16).
s.xiiim (text and MS)
DEAF: SPaulEnfArciP
Dean: 554
Notes: Previously Descent.
Vis S Paul octo
Anonymous St Paul’s Vision of Hell in octosyllables
Paul Meyer, ‘La Descente de saint Paul en Enfer’, Romania 24 (1895), 357-75.
s.xiii; xiv1 (MSS)
DEAF: SPaulEnfPeinesM
Dean: 555
Details: Based on Toulouse, Bibl. Municipale, 815, with variants from Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 20.
Notes: Previously Descente and Vis S Paul2.
Vis S Paul ross1
St Paul’s Vision of Hell, by Adam de Ross
Léon E. Kastner, ‘The Vision of St. Paul by the Anglo-Norman trouvère Adam de Ross’, Zeitschrift für französische Sprache und Literatur 29 (1907), 274-90.
s.xiiex; xiiim (base MS)
Dean: 553
Details: Based on BL, Cotton Vespasian A.VII (i.e. MS ‘L’), with variants from Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College, 435 (i.e. MS ‘C’, 1200-75); Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 405 (i.e. MS ‘C2’, s.xiv1/4); and Paris, BN, franç. 19525 (i.e. MS ‘P’, s.xiiiex).
Notes: Previously Vis S Paul1.
Vis S Paul ross2
St Paul’s Vision of Hell, by Adam de Ross
Lino Leonardi, ‘La Visio Pauli di Adam de Roos: tradizione testuale e metrica anglo-normanna’ in Medioevo e Rinascimento 11 (8) (1997), 25-79.
Dean: 553
Details: A-text is based on BL, Cotton Vespasian A.VII (i.e. MS ‘L’, s.xiiim), with variants from Oxford, Bodleian Library, Douce 381 (i.e. MS ‘D’, s.xii4/4); B-text is based on Paris, BN, franç. 19525 (i.e. MS ‘P’, s.xiii2/4), with variants from Manchester University, John Rylands Library, Fr. 6 (i.e. MS ‘M’, s.xiii1), Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College, 435 (i.e. MS ‘C’, s.xiii1) and Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 405 (i.e. MS ‘C1’, s.xivin).
Notes: Previously Vis S Paul4.
Vis Tond
Incomplete version of The Vision of Tundale, translated from a Latin source (Dublin, Trinity College, 312)
IN: Victor H. Friedel and Kuno Meyer, La Vision de Tondale (Tnugdal): Textes français, anglo-normands et irlandais, Paris, 1907, pp. 63-86.
s.xiii; xiv2/4 (MS)
DEAF: VisTondAgnF
Dean: 557
Notes: Some corrections provided in MLR 13 (III).
Verba Seniorum, part of Vitas Patrum, formerly attributed to Henri d’Arci
Basilides A. O’Connor, Henri d’Arci’s ‘Vitas Patrum’: A Thirteenth-Century Rimed Translation of the ‘Verba Seniorum’, Catholic University of America Studies in Romance Languages and Literatures 29, Washington, 1949.
DEAF: HArciPèresO
Dean: 583
Details: Based on Paris, BN, franç. 24862 (i.e. MS ‘P’, s.xiiim), with additional lines from BL, Harley 2253 (i.e. MS ‘H’, c.1335). The editor attaches the epilogue of the Life of St. Thaïs (see S Thaïs).
Notes: For a separate edition of MS 'H', see Harley Complete (I).