Bibliography of Anglo-Norman Primary Sources
An annotated bibliography, organized alphabetically per AND siglum/abbreviation, of all known Anglo-Norman primary sources available to the AND. Press on a letter to view the sources beginning with the letter.
References are given to Ruth J. Dean and Maureen B.M Boulton, Anglo-Norman Literature: A Guide to Texts and Manuscripts, ANTS Occasional Publications Series 3, London, 1999, and links to the DEAF open on the Complément bibliographique of the Dictionnaire Étymologique de l'Ancien Français website.
Early Kings Verse1
A verse chronicle of the early British kings, to the reign of Henry III (BL, Cotton Vitellius A.X)
IN: Francisque Michel, Chroniques anglo-normandes: recueil d’extraits et d’écrits relatifs à l’histoire de Normandie et d’Angleterre pendant les XIe et XIIe siècles, Paris, 1836, pp. 65-117.
s.xiii2; xiiiex (base MS)
Dean: 24
Details: Only provides the last 1246 of this text’s 3227 lines, as well as variants from BL, Cotton Cleopatra A.XII (s.xiii2).
Notes: The Vitellius MS presents this text as a continuation of Wace’s Roman de Brut.
For a full edition, see Early Kings Verse3.
Early Kings Verse2
Fragment of a verse chronicle of the early British kings, to the reign of Henry III (BL, Cotton Cleopatra A.XII)
IN: Joseph Stevenson, Scalacronica: by Sir Thomas Gray of Heton, Knight. A Chronicle of England and Scotland from A.D. MLXVI to A.D. MCCCLXI, Edinburgh, 1836, pp. 223-34.
Dean: 24
Details: The manuscript is incomplete and only concerns the reigns of William Bastard and William Rufus.
Early Kings Verse3
A verse chronicle of the early British kings, to the reign of Henry III (BL, Cotton Vitellius A.X)
Maud Becker, Une édition de la ‘Continuation du Roman de Brut’ de Robert Wace, contenue dans le manuscrit British Library Cotton Vitellius A.X., unpublished PhD thesis, Aberystwyth University, 2018.
s.xiii2; xiiiex (MS)
Dean: 24
Early Prose History
Genealogia and Livere de reis de Brittanie (Cambridge, University Library, Ee.1.1)
Diana B. Tyson, ‘An Early French Prose History of the Kings of England’, Romania 96 (1975), 1-26.
(I) Genealogia Ducum Normannorum et Regem Anglorum; 1192; c.1300 (MS) (ll. 1-159); DEAF: Tripartita3T; Dean: 30.
(II) Le Livere de reis de Brittanie; c.1300 (MS) (ll. 160-394); DEAF: ReiEnglT; Dean: 13.
Notes: The Genealogia is the third part of a translation of the Tripartita. For parts one and two, see Art Will and Leges retractae.
Uniquely to this MS, the Genealogia serves as a prologue to the Livere de reis de Brittanie (see also Reis Britt foltys).
Early Stats
Henry G. Richardson and George Osborne Sayles, The Early Statutes, London, 1934.
Dean: —
Details: Contains two A-N document (Ordinance supplementing statute 2 Edward III, p. 223 and Statute amending the Statute of money, p. 571) and occasional A-N quotes from other sources.
Eastry Lett
Correspondence of Henry of Eastry, Prior of Christ Church, Canterbury
A. M. Lowe, A Selection of Anglo-Norman Letters Preserved in the Chapter at Canterbury, unpublished Ph.D. thesis, London, 1954, esp. pp. 342-431.
Dean: —
Details: Selected A-N letters from the Chapter Library at Canterbury, specifically the Eastry Correspondence and Registers I and L.
Education Lawyers
A-N instructional material for lawyers
Paul Brand, ‘Courtroom and Schoolroom: The Education of Lawyers Before 1400’, Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research 60 (1987), 147-65 (pp. 157-58).
Dean: —
Details: BL, Cotton Titus D.xxiii (p. 157) and BL, Addit. 5925 (p. 158).
Edw Ring
Edward the Confessor’s Ring (Cambridge, University Library, Add. 3392)
Henry J. Chaytor, ‘King Edward’s Ring’, in Mary Williams and James A. de Rothschild, A Miscellany of Studies in Romance Languages and Literatures Presented to L. E. Kastner, Cambridge, 1932, pp. 124-27.
s.xiii; xiv1 (MS)
DEAF: AnelEdwC
Dean: 524
Edward's Oath
A-N document (Paris, BN, Clairambault 1188)
D. A. Carpenter, ‘The Lord Edward’s Oath to Aide and Counsel Simon de Montfort, 15 October 1259’, Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research 58 (1985), 226-37 (p. 236).
Dean: —
Eight Rolls
Six A-N rolls of arms
Gerard J. Brault, Eight Thirteenth-Century Rolls of Arms in French and Anglo-Norman Blazon, University Park and London, 1973.
(I) The Bigot Roll (pp. 1-30); DEAF: RôleBigotB.
(IIa) Glover’s Roll, St. George’s Version: copy ‘a’; BL, Addit. 29796; c.1253; s.xvi (MS) (pp. 31-32); DEAF: ArmGloverAB.
(IIb) Glover’s Roll, St. George’s Version: copy ‘b’; BL, Harley 6589; 1253; 1607 (MS) (pp. 35-36); DEAF: ArmGloverBB; See also Glover/Cooke.
(IIIa) Walford’s Roll: Charles’s Version; BL, Harley 6589; s.xiii; 1607 (MS) (pp. 38-43); DEAF: ArmHarlB.
(IIIb) Walford’s Roll: Leland’s Version, copy ‘a’; Oxford, Bodleian Library, Top. Gen. c.I; c.1275; 1607 (MS) (pp. 46-53); DEAF: ArmHarlB.
(IIIc) Walford’s Roll: Leland’s Version, copy ‘b’; Dublin, Trinity College E.1-17; c.1275; s.xvi (MS) (pp. 57-64); DEAF: ArmHarlB.
(IV) The Camden Roll BL, Cotton Roll XV.8; c.1280 (MS) (pp. 68-74); DEAF: RôleCamB; see Rolls of Arms (I).
(V) Chifflet-Prinet Roll; DEAF: ArmChiffletB.
(VI) The Falkirk Roll, Thevet’s Version; BL, Harley 5689; s.xiii; 1606 (MS); (pp. 86-90); DEAF: ArmFalkBB; for a different MS, see Rolls of Arms (II).
(VII) The Nativity Roll; BL, Harley 6589; c.1300; 1606 (MS); (pp. 94-97); DEAF: ArmNatB; for a different MS, see Rolls of Arms (V).
(VIII) The Siege of Caerlaverock; BL, Cotton Caligula A.XVIII; 1300; xiv1 (MS) (pp. 101-22); DEAF: SiègeCaerlB; Dean: 60.
Dean: 391.1
Notes: (I) The Bigot Roll (pp. 16-28) and (V) Chifflet-Prinet Roll (pp. 77-83) are in Continental French.
Elslack and Glusburne
A-N documents relating to the Manors of Elslack and Glusburne
‘Charters Relating to the Manors of Elslack and Glusburne, in Craven, Co. York’, in Frederic Madden, et al., Collectanea topographica et genealogica, 8 vols, London, 1834-1843, vol. 6 (1840) pp. 123-47.
Dean: —
Notes: A-N documents are T. 67, 69, 71 and 73 (pp. 144-47).
A-N translation of the Elucidarium of Honorius of Autun (London, Lambeth Palace 431)
Henning Düwell, Eine altfranzösische Übersetzung des Elucidarium, Beiträge zur romanischen Philologie des Mittelalters 7, Munich, 1974.
c.1200; s.xiiiin
DEAF: ElucidaireIIID
Dean: —
Ely Arch
A-N translations of four documents relevant to the Abbey of Ely (Cambridge, Trinity College O.2.41)
Ian Short, ‘Archives de la cathédrale d’Ely en langue vernaculaire’, Romania 138 (2020), 261-75.
1140-60 (text and MS)
Dean: —
En sa veillesce
En sa veillesce set li prodhom, a.k.a. Homily on Husbandry (BL, Egerton 3724)
Ruth E. Harvey, ‘En sa veillesce set li prodhom’, in Ian Short, Anglo-Norman Anniversary Essays, ANTS Occasional Publications Series 2, London, 1993, pp. 159-78.
s.xiv2/3 (MS)
DEAF: HosebProlH
Dean: 396
Notes: This verse homily corresponds roughly to the prologue of henley2 (II) and appears to be based on boz Prov. It serves as an introduction to a prose treatise on husbandry.
Miracles of the Childhood of Jesus, a.k.a. Les Enfaunces de Jesu Crist
Maureen Boulton, Les Enfaunces de Jesu Crist, ANTS 43, London, 1985.
s.xiii4/4; 1315-25 (base MS)
DEAF: EvEnfQuatrB
Dean: 495
Details: Based on Oxford, Bodleian Library, Selden Supra 38, with variants from the fragments in Cambridge, Univ. Libr., Gg.1.1 (i.e. MS ‘C’, s.xiv1/4) and Add. 6855 (G) (i.e. MS ‘A’, s.xiv2).
Notes: This is an A-N reworking of a Continental composition.
For excerpts, see also Rom 15 (Gg.1.1) (XXXVI); for the second epilogue, see also Vernac Lit (XXb).
For a Modern English translation, see Maureen B.M. Boulton, Piety and Persecution in the French Texts of England, The French of England Translation Series 6, Tempe 2013, pp. 97-123.
Eng Docs
Henry Cole, Documents Illustrative of English History in the 13th and 14th Centuries, Selected from the Records of the Department of the Queen’s Remembrancer of the Exchequer, Record Commission, London, 1844.
(I) Rotulus Parliamenti 12 Edward I (1318) (pp. 1-54).
(II) Petitiones in Parliamento 18 Edward I (1290) (pp. 68-82).
(III) Hibernia: Querelae mercatorum de Luk 18 Edward I (1290) (pp. 112-13).
(IV) Placita Parliamentaria 35 Edward I (1306) (pp. 129-31 and 134-35).
DEAF: RotParl2C
Dean: —
Notes: Serves as a supplement to Rot Parl1.
Eng Parliament
Various A-N documents
Henry Gerald Richardson and G. O. Sayles, The English Parliament in the Middle Ages, London, 1981.
Dean: —
Notes: A collection of articles, previously published elsewhere.
Engl Dip Pract
Selected documents mainly from The National Archives
Pierre Chaplais, English Medieval Diplomatic Practice: Part I, Documents and Interpretation, 2 vols, London 1982.
DEAF: ChaplaisDipl
Dean: —
Notes: Contains a large proportion of A-N material, as well as Latin and M.E. texts.
Some of the material has been published elsewhere (in Foedera1, Bruges, Bretigny, etc.).
Engle and Scardyng
Fragments of the story of King Engle and Scardyng from an illuminated Anglo-Norman chronicle (two flyleaves in Princeton, University Library, Garrett 119)
Don C. Skemer, ‘The Story of Engle and Scardyng: Fragment of an Anglo-Norman Chronicle Roll’, Viator 40 (2009), 255-74 (pp. 273-74).
s.xivm (MS)
Dean: —
English Heraldry
William Henry St. John Hope, A Grammar of English Heraldry, 2nd edition, revised by Anthony R. Wagner, Cambridge, 1953.
Dean: —
English Towns
List of products or characteristics associated with certain English Towns (Oxford, Bodleian Library, Douce 98)
C. Bonnier, ‘List of English Towns in the Fourteenth Century’, English Historical Review 16 (1901), 501-03.
c.1300 (MS)
Dean: —
Enseignement pieux
Eighth verse sermon of Nicholas Bozon (BL, Sloane 1611)
IN: Paul Meyer, ‘Notice du MS. Sloane 1611 du Musée Britannique’, Romania 40 (1911), 532-58 (pp. 532-34).
s.xiiiex; xivin (MS)
DEAF: NicBozSerm1-9L
Dean: 592
Notes: For eight more verse sermons by Nicholas Bozon, see boz Serm.
For variant MSS, see boz Serm 78-86 and Lyric (XXIX).
Entail and Descent
A-N excerpt from College of Arms MS
R. Ian Jack, ‘Entail and Descent: The Hastings Inheritance, 1370-1436’, Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research 38 (1965), 1-19 (p. 5).
Dean: —
Entrevue d’Ardres
A-N account of the ceremonies during the meeting of Richard II and Charles VI
Paul Meyer, ‘Documents et notices historiques: L’entrevue d’Ardres’, Annuaire-Bulletin de la Société de l’Histoire de France (1881), 209-24.
1396; s.xv1 (MS)
Dean: 73
Chess treatises
MSS: BL, Royal 13 A.XVIII (i.e. MS ‘A’, s.xiiiex) and BL, Cotton Cleopatra B.IX (i.e. MS ‘B’, s.xiv1).
Dean: 221
Notes: Partially replaced in AND2 with Eschez ants.
Unfortunately AND2 (A-E printed version) uses this siglum indiscriminately to refer to Eschez Allegorical (i.e. AND1’s Eschez2), the MSS later published as Eschez ants (i.e. AND1’s Eschez) and Eschez ants itself. This error has been corrected online.
Eschez Allegorical
Allegorical Game of Chess between God and the Devil (Oxford, Corpus Christi College, 293B)
Östen Södergård, ‘Petit poème allégorique sur les échecs’, Studia Neophilologica 23 (1950-51), 127-36.
s.xiiim (MS)
DEAF: EchecsDeuS
Dean: 701
Notes: AND1 used the siglum Eschez2 to refer to this edition, and Eschez to refer the MSS BL Royal 13 A.XVIII (i.e. MS ‘A’) and Cotton Cleopatra B.IX (i.e. MS ‘B’) (unedited at that point). AND2 (A-E printed version) uses the siglum Eschez indiscrimately for Eschez Allegor and the MSS later published as Eschez ants.
Eschez ANTS
Chess treatises
Tony Hunt, Les Gius Partiz des Eschez: Two Anglo-Norman Chess Treatises, ANTS Plain Texts Series 3, London, 1985.
(I) The first treatise, from BL, Cotton Cleopatra B.IX (i.e. MS ‘C’); s.xiii; xiiiex (MS) (pp. 9-19); DEAF: EchecsCottH; Dean: 221.
(II) Selected variants and additional material for the first treatise from London, College of Arms, Roll 20/26 (i.e. MS ‘H’); s.xiii; xiv1 (MS) (pp. 20-25); DEAF: EchecsCottHH; Dean: 221.
(III) The second treatise, from BL Royal 13 A.XVIII (i.e. MS ‘R’); s.xiii; xiv1 (MS) (pp. 26-49); DEAF: EchecsRoyH; Dean: 221.
Notes: AND1 used the siglum Eschez to refer the MSS BL Royal 13 A.XVIII (i.e. MS ‘A’) and Cotton Cleopatra B.IX (i.e. MS ‘B’) (unedited at that point). AND2 (A-E printed version) uses the siglum Eschez indiscrimately for Eschez Allegorical, the MSS later published as Eschez ants and Eschez ants itself.
Eschiele Mahomet
L’échelle de Mahomet
Peter Wunderli, Le Livre de l’Eschiele Mahomet: Die französische Fassung einer alfonsinischen Übersetzung, Romanica Helvetica 77, Bern, 1968.
s.xiii3/3; xiv1/4 (MS)
DEAF: EschieleMahW
Dean: —
Notes: A French translation of the Latin version of the Muslim Mirag.
A-N in the Eulogium Historiarum
Frank Scott Haydon, Eulogium (historarum sive temporis): Chronicon ab orbe condito usque ad annum domini M.CCC.LXVI., a monacho quodam Malmesburiensi exaratum, London, 1863, vol. 3, pp. 151-57.
1291-92 (A-N documents)
Dean: —
Evang Nic Paraphrase
A-N paraphrase of the Gospel of Nicodemus in prose
IN: C. William Marx and Jeanne F. Drennan, The Middle English Prose Complaint of Our Lady and Gospel of Nicodemus, Middle English Texts 19, Heidelberg, 1987, pp. 118-36.
s.xivm (base MS)
DEAF: PlainteVgeNostreM
Dean: 499
Details: Provides emendations and selected variants from BL, Egerton 2781 (s.xivin).
Notes: Preceded by Passion BVM2. This text starts with ‘Ly noble & ly vaylant prince Nichodemus’. For variants in Cambridge, University Library, Dd. 4.35 (c.1500), see Passion BVM3 (for p. 118 only).
Evang Nic Prose1
A-N version of the Gospel of Nicodemus in prose
IN: Alvin E. Ford, L’Évangile de Nicodème: Les versions courtes en ancien français et en prose, Publications romanes et françaises 125, Geneva, 1973, pp. 41-81.
s.xiii1; xiiiex (MS)
Dean: 497
Details: Based on Paris, BN, franç. 19525 (i.e. MS ‘A’), with variants from BL, Egerton 2710 (i.e. MS ‘B’, s.xiiim); BL, Harley 2253 (i.e. MS ‘C’, c.1335); and Cambridge, Emmanuel College, 106 (i.e. MS ‘D’, s.xivm). Also contains further continental MSS among the variants.
Notes: For a separate edition of MS 'C', see Harley Complete (IV)
Evang Nic Prose2
The Gospel of Nicodemus in prose
MS: BL, Egerton 613, ff. 13v-21r.
s.xiii1; xiiim (MS)
Dean: 497
Notes: Previously Revelaciun.
Transcription provided by Jennifer Gabel de Aguirre and Geert De Wilde, available here.
Evang Nic Verse
Two A-N versions of the Gospel of Nicodemus in verse
Gaston Paris and Alphonse Bos, Trois versions rimées de l’Évangile de Nicodème, SATF, Paris, 1885.
(I) Chrestien’s Gospel of Nicodemus i.e. ‘Text A’; Florence, Bibl. Laur., Conventi soppressi 99; s.xiiiin; xiii1 (MS) (pp. 1-69); DEAF: EvNicChrP; Dean: 500.
(II) André de Coutances’s Gospel of Nicodemus i.e ‘Text B’ (pp. 73-136).
(III) Anonymous Gospel of Nicodemus (Passion and Resurrection) i.e. ‘Text C’; London, Lambeth Palace, 522; s.xiii2; c.1300 (MS) (pp. 139-212); DEAF: EvNicAgnP; Dean: 501; for excerpts, see also Lambeth reinsch (XVI).
Notes: Previously Evang2.
(II) is a Norman composition and excluded from AND.
A-N account of the battle of Evesham (1 August 1265) (London, College Of Arms 3/23B dorse)
Olivier de Laborderie, J. R. Maddicot and D. A. Carpenter, ‘The Last Hours Of Simon de Montfort: A New Account’, English Historical Review 115 (2000), 378-412 (esp. pp. 407-09).
c.1265; c.1330 (MS)
Dean: 72.1
Notes: The article also cites from the genealogical account on the verso of the MS (pp. 383-85).
Exaltaciun de la sainte Cruiz
MS: BL, Egerton 613, ff. 27v-29v.
s.xiiim (MS)
Dean: —
Notes: Transcription provided by Heather Pagan and Geert De Wilde, available here.
Exch KR Accs
MS: The National Archives, E 101: King’s Remembrancer: Accounts Various
Notes: see TNA.
Exch QR Accs
MS: The National Archives, E 101: Exchequer Queen’s Remembrancer Accounts
Notes: see TNA.
Exchequer Chamber
Mary Hemmant, Select Cases in the Exchequer Chamber before all the Justices of England, 2 vols, Selden Society 51 and 64, London, 1933 and 1948.
1377-1461 (vol. 1) and 1461-1509 (vol. 2)
DEAF: HemmantSelExch
Dean: —
Notes: Includes A-N, Latin and M.E. documents.
Exe Bridge1
Exe Bridge Wardens’ Accounts
MS: Devon Record Office, Exeter.
1349 (A-N text)
Dean: —
Details: Transcription provided by P. R. Staniforth.
Notes: Previously Exe Br.
Exe Bridge2
Exe Bridge Wardens’ Account of 1349
David A. Trotter, ‘Bridging The Gap: The (Socio)linguistic Evidence of Some Medieval English Bridge Accounts’, in Richard Ingham, The Anglo-Norman Language, York, 2010, pp. 52-62 (esp. p. 61).
Dean: —
Notes: Also discusses excerpts from Leicester and Rochester.
A-N in the accounts of the treasurer of Henry, Earl of Derby
Lucy Toulmin Smith, Expeditions to Prussia and the Holy Land Made by Henry Earl of Derby (Afterwards King Henry IV) in the Years 1390-1 and 1392-3, Being the Accounts Kept by his Treasurer During Two Years, Camden Society, New Series 52, London, 1894.
Dean: —
Notes: The account is mainly in Latin, with some documents (pp. 1-3 and 148) completely in A-N and others using vernacular words.
Index III provides a glossary.
A-N in the Cartulary of the Abbey of Eynsham
Herbert E. Salter, The Cartulary of the Abbey of Eynsham, 2 vols, Oxford Historical Society 49 and 51, Oxford, 1907-08.
s.xiii3/3-xv1/4 (A-N texts)
Dean: —
Details: Contains seven A-N documents, i.e. vol. 1 pp. 18 (1270), and 122 (1280), and vol 2, pp. 72-73 (s.xivm (?)), 73 (s.xivm (?)), 101-02 (1328), 102-03 (s.xiv1 (?)), and 147-49 (s.xv1/4 (?)).
Eyre Northamp
A-N in the Eyre of Northampton of 1329-30
Helen M. Cam, ‘The General Eyres of 1329-30’, English Historical Review 39 (1924), 241-52.
Dean: —