Bibliography of Anglo-Norman Primary Sources

An annotated bibliography, organized alphabetically per AND siglum/abbreviation, of all known Anglo-Norman primary sources available to the AND. Press on a letter to view the sources beginning with the letter.

References are given to Ruth J. Dean and Maureen B.M Boulton, Anglo-Norman Literature: A Guide to Texts and Manuscripts, ANTS Occasional Publications Series 3, London, 1999, and links to the DEAF open on the Complément bibliographique of the Dictionnaire Étymologique de l'Ancien Français website.

S Alexis1

Anglo-Norman redaction of the Norman Vie de Saint Alexis
Christopher Storey, La vie de Saint Alexis, Texte du Manuscrit de Hildesheim (L), Publié avec une Introduction historique et linguistique, un Commentaire et un Glossaire complet, Textes Littéraires Français, Genève, 1968.
1120-40 (MS)
DEAF: AlexisS2
Dean: 505
Details: Based on Hildesheim, S. Godehards Bible, Albani Psalter (i.e. MS ‘L’), with selected variant from Paris, Bibl. Nat., franç. 4503 (i.e. MS ‘A’, s.xii4/4) and Paris, Bibl. Nat., franç. 19525 (i.e. MS ‘P’, s.xiii4/4).
MSS Ma, Mb, S and V are Continental.
Notes: The Norman original text was composed c.1050.
For a separate edition of MS ‘A’, see S Alexis2.

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S Alexis2

Anglo-Norman redaction of the Norman Vie de Saint Alexis (Paris, Bibl. Nat., franç. 4503)
T. D. Hemming, ‘La vie de saint Alexis’, Texte du manuscrit A (B.N. nouv. acq. fr. 4503), Editée avec Introduction, Notes et Glossaire, Textes litteraires 90, Exeter, 1994.
s.xii4/4 (MS)
DEAF: AlexisAH
Dean: 505
Notes: The Norman original text was composed c.1050.

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S Andrew

Fragment of an A-N account of the Miracles of St. Andrew
Gerald A. Bertin and Alfred Foulet, ‘The Acts of Andrew in Old French: The Gardner A. Sage Library Fragment’, Publications of the Modern Language Association 81 (1966), 451-54.
Dean: 515

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S Aub

Life of St. Alban, probably by Matthew Paris (Dublin, Trinity College, 177)
Arthur R. Harden, La Vie de Seint Auban, ANTS 19, Oxford, 1968.
c.1235 (composition and MS)
Dean: 506
Notes: The rubrics are published separately, on pp. 52-65.
For a Modern English translation, see Jocelyn Wogan-Browne and Thelma S. fenster, ‘The Life of Saint Alban’ by Matthew Paris, with ‘The Passion of Saint Alban’ by William of St. Albans, The French of England Translation Studies 2, Tempe, 2010.

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S Aub Flyleaf

Flyleaf with verses on pictures of saints, found in Matthew Paris’ Life of Saint Alban, and possibly in the same hand (Dublin, Trinity College, 177)
IN: Robert Atkinson, Vie de saint Auban, London, 1876, pp. xi-xii.
c.1235 (MS)
Dean: 507

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S Audree1

Life of St. Audrey (Etheldreda), by Marie (BL, Addit. 70513)
Östen Södergård, La Vie Seinte Audree, poème anglo-normand du XIIIe siècle, Uppsala Universitets Årsskrift 1955: 11, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Uppsala and Wiesbaden, 1955.
s.xiii1; xiii4/4 (MS)
DEAF: SAudreeS
Dean: 566
Notes: Previously S Audree.
Also available in the Campsey Project.

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S Audree2

Life of St. Audrey (Etheldreda), by Marie (BL, Addit. 70513)
June Hall McCash and Judith Clark Barban, The Life of Saint Audrey, A Text by Marie de France, Jefferson, 2006.
s.xiii1; xivin (MS)
Dean: 566
Notes: Provides a modern English translation. The attribution to Marie de France is questionable.

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S Brend

The Voyage of St. Brendan, by Benedeit
Edwin G. R. Waters, The Anglo-Norman Voyage of St. Brendan by Benedeit, Oxford, 1928.
1121-25; s.xiv1 (base MS)
DEAF: BrendanW
Dean: 504
Details: Based on BL, Cotton Vespasian B.X (1) (i.e. MS ‘A’), with variants from Paris, BN, nouv. acq. franç. 4503 (i.e. MS ‘B’, s.xii4/4); Oxford, Bodleian Library, Rawlinson D.913 (i.e. MS ‘C’, c.1200); York, Minster Library 16.K.12 (i.e. MS ‘D’, s.xiii1); and the Continental redaction with some Picard traits Paris, Bibl. de l’Arsenal, 3516 (i.e. MS ‘E’, s.xiii1-m).
Notes: For the base MS, AND1 from D onwards and AND2 use S Brend mup.
See also Edwin G. R.Waters, ‘Rare or Unexplained Words in the Anglo-Norman Voyage of St Brendan’, Modern Language Review 21 (1926) 390-403 and 22 (1927) 28-43, as well as T. D. Hemming ‘Language and Style in the Voyage of Saint Brendan’ in David A. Trotter Littera et Sensus: Essays on Form and Meaning in Medieval French Literature, Presented to John Fox, Exeter, 1989, pp. 1-16.

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S Brend champ

The Voyage of St. Brendan, by Benedeit (BL, Cotton Vespasian B.X (1))
Ian Short and Brian Merrilees, Le Voyage de Saint Brendan, Champion Classiques, Paris, 2006.
1121-25; s.xiv1 (MS)
Dean: 504
Notes: Reproduces S Brend mup and provides a Modern French translation.

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S Brend mup

The Voyage of St. Brendan, by Benedeit (BL, Cotton Vespasian B.X (1))
Ian Short and Brian Merrilees, The Anglo-Norman Voyage of St. Brendan, Manchester, 1979.
1121-25; s.xiv1 (MS)
DEAF: BrendanS
Dean: 504
Details: Provides corrections from other (non-specified) MSS. The original MS reading is included in the footnotes.
Notes: For the prologue, see Vernac Lit (IX).

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S Cath anon

The Mystical Marriage of St. Catherine of Alexandria (BL, Add. 40143)
Glynn Hesketh, ‘An Unpublished Anglo-Norman Life of Saint Katherine of Alexandria from MS London BL Add. 40143’, Romania 118 (2000), 33-82.
c.1300; s.xivm (MS)
DEAF: SCathLondH
Dean: 569
Notes: Previously S Kath.

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S Cath barking

The Life of St. Catherine of Alexandria, by Clemence of Barking
William MacBain, The Life of St. Catherine by Clemence of Barking, ANTS 18, Oxford, 1964.
s.xii4/4 (text and base MS)
DEAF: SCathClemM
Dean: 567
Details: Based on Paris, BN, Nouv. acq. franç. 4503 (i.e. MS ‘A’), with variants from Paris, BN, franç. 23112 (i.e. MS ‘P’, s.xiii2); and BL, Addit., 70513 (i.e. MS ‘W’, s. xiii4/4).
Notes: Previously S Cath.
MS ‘P’ is a Picard manuscript.
For a translation, see Jocelyn Wogan-Browne and Glyn S. Burgess, Virgin Lives and Holy Deaths: Two Exemplary Biographies for Anglo-Norman Women, London, 1996.
Transcriptions of all three manuscript are available in the Campsey Project.

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S Cath fragm

Latter 194 lines of an A-N life of St. Catherine (Manchester, John Rylands and University Library, Fr.6)
E. C. Fawtier-Jones, ‘Les vies de sainte Catherine d'Alexandrie en ancien français, I’, Romania 56 (1930), 80-104 (pp. 88-94).
s.xii1; xiiim (MS)
Dean: 568
Notes: For a more recent edition, see Ian Short, ‘The Anglo-Norman Jeu de Sainte Katerine’, Romania 137 (2019), 5-18.

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S Clem

The Life of St. Clement, Pope (Cambridge, Trinity College, R.3.46)
Nora K. Willson, Critical Edition of the ‘Vie de Saint Clement Pape’, unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Cambridge, 1951.
s.xiiiin; xiii2/4 (MS)
Dean: 517
Notes: Replaced in AND2 by S Clem ants.

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The Life of St. Clement, Pope (Cambridge, Trinity College, R.3.46)
Daron Burrows, La Vie de Seint Clement, 3 vols, ANTS 64-65, London, 2007.
s.xiiiin; xiii2/4 (MS)
Dean: 517
Notes: For the prologue, see also Vernac Lit (XXVb).
For a Modern English translation, see Daron Burrows, The Life of Saint Clement : A Translation of ‘La Vie de seint Clement’, The French of England Translation Studies 10, Tempe, 2016.
Also available in the Campsey Project.

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S Clem Brief

Saint Clement’s Brief, the A-N prologue to a (missing) Latin prayer to J.C. (Copenhagen, Bibl. Arnamagnaeanske, AM 414.12º
IN: Povl Skårup, ‘Les manuscrits français de la collection Arna-magnéenne’, Romania 98 (1977), 86-94 (pp. 88-89).
s.xivin (MS)
Dean: 884

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S Edm (Rich)

Life of St. Edmund (Rich), Archbishop of Canterbury, by Matthew Paris (BL, Addit. 70513)
Alfred T. Baker, ‘La Vie de saint Edmond archevêque de Cantorbéry’, Romania 55 (1929), 332-81.
1255-59; s.xiv1/4 (MS)
Dean: 521
Notes: For the prologue and epilogue, see also Vernac Lit (XIII).
Also available in the Campsey Project.

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S Edm Life1

Life of St. Edmund, King of East-Anglia, by Denis Piramus (BL, Cotton Domitian A.XI)
Hilding Kjellman, La Vie seint Edmund le Rei, poème anglo-normand du XIIe siècle, Göteborg, 1935.
1190-93; xiv2/4 (MS)
Dean: 520
Notes: Previously S Edm.
The reconstructed text at the top of the pages is not used in the AND.
For the prologue to book 1, see also Vernac Lit (XXVII).

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S Edm Life2

Life of St. Edmund, King of East-Anglia, by Denis Piramus
MS: Manchester, John Rylands University Library, French 142, ff. 1r-68v.
1190-93; xiv1 (MS)
Dean: 520
Notes: Previously S Edm (R).

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S Edm Life ANTS

Life of St. Edmund, King of East-Anglia, by Denis Piramus
Delbert W. Russell, ‘La Vie Seint Edmund le Rei’ by Denis Piramus, ANTS 71, Oxford, 2014.
1190-93; s.xiv1 (base MS)
Dean: 520
Details: Critical edition, based on Manchester, John Rylands University Library, French 142 (i.e. MS ‘R’), with corrections and variants from BL, Cotton Domitian A.XI (i.e. MS ‘B’, xiv2/4).
Notes: Transcriptions of both manuscripts are available in the Campsey  Project.

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S Edm Pass

The Passion of St. Edmund, King of East Anglia (Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College, 435)
Albert Nabert, La Passiun de seint Edmund: ein anglonormannisches Gedicht aus dem 12. Jahrhundert, Greifswald, 1915.
s.xiiiin; xiii1 (MS)
Dean: 519
Notes: Replaced in AND1 from D onwards and in AND2 with S Edm Pass ants.

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S Edm Pass ANTS

The Passion of St. Edmund, King of East Anglia (Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College, 435)
Judith Grant, La Passiun de seint Edmund, ANTS 36, London, 1978.
s.xiiiin; xiii1 (MS)
Dean: 519

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S Edw barking

Life of Edward the Confessor, by a nun of Barking
Östen Södergård, La Vie d’Édouard le Confesseur, Uppsala, 1948.
DEAF: EdConfVatS
Dean: 523
Details: Lines 1462-6685 based on Vatican City, Bibl. Apost. Vatic., Regin. lat. 489 (i.e. MS ‘V’, s.xiii2), with lines 1-1461 and variants from BL, Addit. 70513 (i.e. MS ‘W’, s.xiv1/4), and further variants from Paris, BN, franç. 1416 (i.e. MS ‘P’, c.1252).
Notes: Previously S Edw1.
For excerpts, see Vernac Lit (IIa).
Transcriptions of all three manuscripts are available in the Campsey Project, together with a Picard prose redaction in BL, Egerton 745 (not used in AND).

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S Edw paris

Life of Edward the Confessor, by Matthew Paris (Cambridge, University Library, Ee.3.59)
IN: Henry R. Luard, Lives of Edward the Confessor, London, 1858, pp. 1-358.
c.1245; c.1255 (MS)
DEAF: EdConfCambrL
Dean: 522
Notes: Previously S Edw2.
Provides a Modern English translation. Replaced in AND1 from M onwards and in AND2 by S Edw paris ants.

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S Edw paris ANTS

Life of Edward the Confessor, by Matthew Paris (Cambridge, University Library, Ee.3.59)
Kathryn Y. Wallace, La Estoire de seint Aedward Le Rei, ANTS 41, London, 1983.
c.1245; c.1255 (MS)
DEAF: EdConfCambrW
Dean: 522
Notes: Previously S Edw2 ants.

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S Eust anon

Life of St. Eustace in octosyllabic verse (New Haven, Beinecke Libr., 395)
Holger Petersen, ‘Trois versions inédites de la Vie de saint Eustache en vers français, I: Version de Cheltenham’, Romania 48 (1922), 365-402.
s.xiii2/4; c.1275 (MS)
Dean: 541
Notes: Previously S Eust2.

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S Eust DTC

Life of St. Eustace in irregular verse (Dublin, Trinity College, 432)
M. Esposito, ‘La légende de s. Eustache en vers anglo-normands’, in Mélanges philologiques. Textes et études de littérature ancienne et médiévale, Florence, 1921, pp. 29-61.
s.xiii1; xiii2 (MS)
Dean: 542
Notes: Corrections provided by Dyggve Holger Petersen, ‘Notes critiques sur la Vie de Saint Eustache de Dublin’, Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 30 (1929), 113-18.

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S Eust guill

Life of St. Eustace, by Guillaume de Ferrières (York, Minster Libr., 16.K.13)
Holger Petersen, ‘Trois versions inédites de la Légende de saint Eustache en vers français, II: Version de Guillaume de Ferrières’, Romania 51 (1925), 363-96.
s.xiii2/4; xiii2 (MS)
Dean: 540
Notes: Previously S Eust1.

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S Foy

Life of St. Faith, by Simon of Walsingham (BL, Addit. 70513)
Alfred T. Baker, ‘Vie anglo-normande de sainte Foy par Simon de Walsingham’, Romania 66 (1940-41), 49-84.
c.1213; s.xivin (MS)
Dean: 570
Notes: For the prologue, see also Vernac Lit (XII).
For a Modern English translation, see Delbert W. Russell, Verse Saints’ Lives Written in the French of England: ‘Saint Giles’ by Guillaume de Berneville, ‘Saint George’ by Simund de Freine, ‘Saint Faith of Agen’ by Simon de Walsingham, ‘Saint Mary Magdalene’ by Guillaume Le Clerc de Normandie, The French of England Translation Series 5, Tempe, 2012, 165-85.
Also available in the Campsey Project.

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S Fran

Life and Miracles of St. Francis (Paris, BN, franç., 13505)
Marcel Thomas, Recherches sur les légendes françaises de saint François d’Assise; Édition de la version anglo-normande (MS B.N. franç. 13505), unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Paris, 1942.
c.1275; s.xiii4/4 (MS)
DEAF: SFrançcT
Dean: 525
Notes: Replaced in AND2 by S Fran ants.

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Life and Miracles of St. Francis (Paris, BN, franç., 13505)
Delbert W. Russell, La Vye de seynt Fraunceys d’Assise, 2 vols, ANTS 59-60, London, 2002.
c.1275; s.xiii4/4 (MS)
Dean: 525

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S Fran fragm

Two fragments of a Life of St. Francis (BL, Addit. 43688)
Louise Stone, ‘Fragments d’une vie de saint François d’Assise en vers anglo-normand’, Archivum franciscanum historicum 31 (1938), 48-58.
s.xiii2 (MS)
DEAF: SFrançc
Dean: 526

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S Geo

Passion of St. George, by Simund de Freine (Paris, BN, franç., 902)
IN: John E. Matzke, Les Oeuvres de Simund de Freine, SATF, Paris, 1909, pp. 61-117.
s.xiiex; s.xiii2 (MS)
DEAF: SimFreineGeorgM
Dean: 528
Notes: For a Modern English translation, see Delbert W. Russell, Verse Saints’ Lives Written in the French of England: ‘Saint Giles’ by Guillaume de Berneville, ‘Saint George’ by Simund de Freine, ‘Saint Faith of Agen’ by Simon de Walsingham, ‘Saint Mary Magdalene’ by Guillaume Le Clerc de Normandie, The French of England Translation Series 5, Tempe, 2012, 143-164.
Also available in the Campsey  Project.

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S Gile1

Life of St. Giles, by Guillaume de Berneville (Florence, Bibl. Laur., Conv. soppr. 99)
Gaston Paris and Alphonse Bos, La Vie de saint Gilles, poème du XIIe siècle par Guillaume de Berneville, SATF, Paris, 1881.
s.xii3/3; xiiim (MS)
DEAF: SGillesP
Dean: 529
Notes: Previously S Gile.
For the fragment of a Life of St. John the Baptist (pp. vi-xii), see S Jean-B.
For a Modern English translation (based upon Françoise Laurent's 2003 edition of the text), see Delbert W. Russell, Verse Saints’ Lives Written in the French of England: ‘Saint Giles’ by Guillaume de Berneville, ‘Saint George’ by Simund de Freine, ‘Saint Faith of Agen’ by Simon de Walsingham, ‘Saint Mary Magdalene’ by Guillaume Le Clerc de Normandie, The French of England Translation Series 5, Tempe, 2012, 87-142.
Also available in the Campsey  Project.

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S Gile2

Fragment of Life of St. Giles, by Guillaume de Berneville (BL, Harley 912)
Louis Brandin, ‘Un fragment de la Vie de Saint Gilles en vers français’, Romania 33 (1904), 94-97.
s.xii3/3; xiiiex (MS)
DEAF: SGillesHarlB
Dean: 529

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S Godric

A-N translation of Reginald of Durham’s Latin Life of St. Godric (Paris, Bibl. Mazarine, 1716)
Margaret Coombe, Tony Hunt and Anne Mouron, Reginald of Durham’s Life of St. Godric: An Old French Version, ANTS Occasional Publications Series 9, Oxford, 2019.
s.xiii; MS: c.1300
DEAF: SGodric
Dean: 530
Notes: A Continental French manuscript (with Franco-Picard language features) of an Anglo-Norman text.

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S Greg

Life of St. Gregory the Great, by Angier (Paris, BN, franç., 24766)
Paul Meyer, ‘La Vie de saint Grégoire le Grand traduite du latin par Frère Angier, religieux de Sainte-Frideswide’, Romania 12 (1883), 145-208.
1214; 1214-16 (MS)
DEAF: AngVieGregM
Dean: 513

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S Greg Lett

Saint Gregory’s letter on the use of images in religion
IN: Ulrich Mölk, ‘Bemerkungen zu den französischen Prosatexten im Albanipsalter’, Zeitschrift für französische Sprache und Literatur 87 (1977) 289-303 (pp. 299-303).
s.xii1/4; c.1120 (MS)
DEAF: SGregPaintM
Dean: —
Notes: The original Latin text is provided on pp. 297-99.

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S Hugh Lincoln1

Story of young St Hugh of Lincoln (Paris, BN, franç. 902)
IN: F. Michel, Hugues de Lincoln: recueil de ballades anglo-normande et e?cossoises relatives au meurtre de cet enfant commis par les juifs en MCCLV, Paris and London, 1834, pp. 1-16.
1255-72; s.xiii2 (MS)
DEAF: PassHugM
Dean: 531

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S Hugh Lincoln2

Story of young St Hugh of Lincoln (Paris, BN, franç. 902)
Roger Dahood, ‘The Anglo-Norman Hugo de Lincolnia: A Critical Edition and Translation from the Unique Text in Paris, Biblithèque nationale de France MS fr. 902’, The Chaucer Review 49 (2014), 1-38.
1255-72; s.xiii2 (MS)
DEAF: PassHug
Dean: 531
Notes: For a Modern English translation, see Maureen B.M. Boulton, Piety and Persecution in the French Texts of England, The French of England Translation Series 6, Tempe 2013, pp. 135-40.

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S Jean

Life of St. John, Patriarch and Almsgiver of Alexandria (Cambridge, Trin. College, R.3.46)
Gerald Stephen Caffrey, The Life of St. John the Almoner, unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Cambridge, 1953.
s.xiiiin; xiii2/4 (MS)
Dean: 535
Notes: Replaced in AND1 from F onwards and in AND2 with S Jean ants.

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Life of St. John, Patriarch and Almsgiver of Alexandria (Cambridge, Trin. College, R.3.46)
Kenneth Urwin, The Life of Saint John the Almsgiver, 2 vols, ANTS 38-39, London, 1980 and 1981.
s.xiiiin; xiii2/4 (MS)
Dean: 535

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S Jean-B

Fragment of Life of St. John the Baptist (Florence, Bibl. Laur., Conventi soppressi 99)
IN: Gaston Paris and Alphonse Bos, La Vie de saint Gilles, poème du XIIe siècle par Guillaume de Berneville, SATF, Paris, 1881, pp. vi-xii.
c.1200; s.xiii1 (MS)
DEAF: SJeanBaptAlP
Dean: 531.1

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S Jer

A-N translations of Jerome’s Letter to Paulinus and General Preface to the Old Testament
MS: BL, Royal 1.C.iii, ff. 1-5ra and ff. 5ra-6ra
s.xivm (MS)
DEAF: SJérEp53r; SJérPréf
Dean: 469
Notes: Transcription provided by Geert De Wilde.
Introduction to Bible Royal.

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S Laur

The Martyrdom of St. Lawrence (Paris, BN, franç. 19525)
Werner Söderhjelm, De Saint Laurent, poème anglo-normand du XIIe siècle, publié pour la première fois, d’après le manuscrit unique de Paris, Paris, 1888.
s.xii3/4; xiiim (MS)
DEAF: SLaurentS
Dean: 536
Notes: Replaced in AND1 from D onwards and in AND2 with S Laur ants.

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The Martyrdom of St. Lawrence
Delbert W. Russell, La Vie de Saint Laurent: An Anglo-Norman Poem of the Twelfth Century, ANTS 34, London, 1976.
s.xii3/4; xiiim (MSS)
DEAF: SLaurentR
Dean: 536
Details: Based on Paris, BN, franç. 19525, with variants from BL, Egerton 2710 (i.e. MS ‘B’).
Notes: For a translation see Jocelyn Wogan-Browne and Glyn S. Burgess, Virgin Lives and Holy Deaths: Two Exemplary Biographies for Anglo-Norman Women, London, 1996.

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S Marg BL Addit

Life of St. Margaret in decasyllabic lines (BL, Addit. 38664)
Karl Reichl, ‘An Anglo-Norman Legend of Saint Margaret (BL MS Add. 38664)’, Romania 96 (1975), 53-66.
s.xiii1; xiii2 (MS)
Dean: 572
Notes: Previously S Marg1.
Corrections by David Clandfield, Edition critique des versions anglo-normandes de la Vie de Sainte Marguerite d’Antioche, unpublished thesis, Paris, 1976, p. 566.

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S Marg BL Sloane

Life of St. Margaret in octosyllabic lines (BL, Sloane 1611)
IN: Paul Meyer, ‘Notice du MS. Sloane 1611 du Musée britannique’, Romania 40 (1911), 532-58 (pp. 539-58).
s.xiiiex (text and MS)
Dean: 573

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S Marg BN franç

Life of St. Margaret in Octosyllabic Lines (Paris, BN, franc. 19525)
IN: Aristide Joly, La Vie de sainte Marguerite, poème inédit de Wace, Paris, 1879, pp. 83-98.
s.xiiim; xiiiex (MS)
DEAF: SMarg6J1
Dean: 574
Notes: Also provides an edition of Wace’s Life of St Margaret, see S Marg wace.

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S Marg Camb

First Life of St. Margaret in alexandrines (Cambridge, University Library, Ee.6.11)
Frederic Spencer, ‘The Legend of St. Margaret: II. The Cambridge Text’, Modern Language Notes 5 (1890), 141-50.
c.1200; s.xiii1 (MS)
Dean: 571.1
Notes: Previously S Marg3.

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S Marg wace

Wace’s Life of Saint Margaret
Elizabeth A. Francis, Wace, ‘La vie de sainte Marguerite’, Paris, 1932.
DEAF: WaceMargAF
Dean: 571
Details: Parallel edition of Tours, Bibl. Munic. 927 (i.e. ‘M’, s.xiii2/4), (Paris, Bibl. de l’Arsenal 3516 (i.e. ‘A’, 1267-68) and Troyes, Bibl. Munic., 1905 (i.e. MS ‘T’, s.xiv1). Also provides Wace’s Latin source.
Notes: For a Modern English translation, together with a reprint of the reconstructed text from Keller’s 1990 edition, see Jean Blacker, Glyn S. Burgess and Amy V. Ogden, Wace, The Hagiographical Works: The ‘Conception Nostre Dame’ and the Lives of St Margaret and St Nicholas, Leiden, 2013, pp. 149-234.
For a separate glossary, see Hans-Erich Keller, Étude descriptive sur le vocabulaire de Wace, Berlin, 1953.

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S Marg York

Second Life of St. Margaret in alexandrines (York, Minster Libr., 16.K.13)
Frederic Spencer, ‘The Legend of St. Margaret: III. The York MS. xvi, k, 13’, Modern Language Notes 5 (1890), 107-11 (col. 213-221).
s.xiii1; xiii2/4 (MS)
Dean: 573
Notes: Previously S Marg2.

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S Melor

Incomplete Life of St. Melor (Aberystwyth, NLW, Bettisfield 19)
Armel H. Diverres, ‘The life of Saint Melor’, in Ian Short, Medieval French Textual Studies in Memory of T. B. W. Reid, ANTS Occasional Publications Series 1, London, 1984, pp. 41-53.
s.xiv3/4 (text and MS)
Dean: 537

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S Modw

The Life of St. Modwenna
Alfred T. Baker and Alexander Bell, St. Modwenna, ANTS 7, Oxford, 1947.
c.1230; s.xiiim (base MS)
DEAF: ModvB2
Dean: 580
Details: Based on Oxford, Bodleian Library, Digby 34 (i.e. MS ‘O’), with variants from BL, Addit. 70513 (i.e. MS ‘W’, s. xivin).
Notes: Both manuscripts are available in the Campsey Project.

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S Nichol wace

Wace’s Life of Saint Nicholas
Einar Ronsjö, ‘La Vie de Saint Nicolas’ par Wace, Poème religieux du XIIe siècle, Études romanes de Lund 5, Lund, 1942.
c.1150; s.xiii3/4 (base MS)
DEAF: WaceNicR
Dean: 537.1
Details: Based on Paris, Bibl. Nat. franç. 902 (i.e. MS ‘B’, s.xiii3/4), with variant readings from Oxford, Bodleian Library, Douce 270 (i.e. MS ‘D’, 1225-35); Paris, Bibl. de l’Arsenal 3516 (i.e. MS ‘A’, 1267-68); Oxford, Bodleian Library, Digby (i.e. MS ‘O’, 1272-82); and Cambridge, Trinity College B.14.39 (i.e. MS ‘C’, 1255-60).
Notes: For a Modern English translation, together with a reprint of Ronsjö’s base text, see Jean Blacker, Glyn S. Burgess and Amy V. Ogden, Wace, The Hagiographical Works: The ‘Conception Nostre Dame’ and the Lives of St Margaret and St Nicholas, Leiden, 2013, pp. 237-353.
For a separate glossary, see Hans-Erich Keller, Étude descriptive sur le vocabulaire de Wace, Berlin, 1953.
For the prologue in MS ‘A’, see Vernac Lit (XXVa).
Excerpts of MS ‘C’ published previously in Rom 32 (B.14.39-40) (II).

Search AND Citations

S Osith

The Life and Miracles of St. Osyth (BL, Addit. 70513)
Alfred T. Baker, ‘An Anglo-French Life of St. Osith’, Modern Language Review 6 (1911), 476-502.
c.1200; s.xivin (MS)
Dean: 581
Notes: Emendations provided by Alexaner Bell, ‘Notes on Two Anglo-Norman Saints’ lives’, Philological Quarterly 35 (1956), 48-53.
Also available in the Campsey Project.

Search AND Citations

S Panuce

Life of St. Panuce, attributed to Nicholas Bozon (BL, Addit. 70513)
Alfred T. Baker, ‘La Vie de saint Panuce’, Romania 38 (1909), 418-24.
s.xivin; xiv1 (MS)
DEAF: NicBozPanuceB
Dean: 538
Notes: Also available in the Campsey Project.

Search AND Citations

S Paul

Legend of St. Paul the Hermit, attributed to Nicholas Bozon (BL, Addit. 70513)
Alfred T. Baker, ‘An Anglo-French Life of Saint Paul the Hermit’, Modern Language Review 4 (1908-09), 491-504.
c.1300; s.xiv1/4 (MS)
DEAF: NicBozPaulB
Dean: 539
Notes: Also available in The Campsey Project.

Search AND Citations

S Rich

Life and Miracles of St. Richard of Chichester, by Pierre d’Abernon of Fetcham (BL, Addit. 70513)
Alfred T. Baker, ‘Vie de saint Richard, évêque de Chichester’, Revue des Langues Romanes 53 (1910), 245-396.
c.1270; s.xiv1/4 (MS)
DEAF: PAbernRichB
Dean: 545
Notes: Same text as AND1’s Mir S Rich (unpublished MS transcription). Replaced in AND2 with S Rich ants.

Search AND Citations


Life and Miracles of St. Richard of Chichester, by Pierre d’Abernon of Fetcham (BL, Addit. 70513)
Delbert W. Russell, La vie Seint Richard evesques de Cycestre, by Pierre d’Abernon of Fetcham, ANTS 51, London, 1995.
c.1270; s.xiii4/4 (MS)
DEAF: PAbernRichR
Dean: 545
Notes: Also available in the Campsey Project.

Search AND Citations

S Thaïs

Life of St Thaïs, dedicated to Henri d’Arci
IN: Reginald C. D. Perman, ‘Henri d’Arci: the Shorter Works’, in Elizabeth A. Francis, Studies in Medieval French presented to Alfred Ewert, Oxford, 1961, pp. 279-321 (pp. 280-88).
s.xiiim (composition and base MS)
DEAF: SThaisArciM
Dean: 584
Details: Based on Paris, BN franç. 24862, with variants from BL, Harley 2253 (i.e. MS ‘H’, c.1330-40).
Notes: In AND1, the same siglum was used for Paul Meyer, Notices et Extraits des manuscrits 35.1, Paris, 1896, pp. 147-51 and 167-68; DEAF: SThaisArciM; pp. 147-51 publish the text from Paris, BN franç. 24862, and pp. 167-68 provide excerpts from BL, Harley 2253 (c.1330-40).
For a separate edition of MS 'H', see Harley Complete (II).

Search AND Citations

S Thom beneit1

Life of St. Thomas Becket, by Beneit (BL, Add. 59616)
Börje Schlyter, La Vie de Thomas Becket par Beneit, Études Romanes de Lund 4, Lund and Copenhagen, 1941.
c.1184; s.xiiiex (base MS)
Dean: 509
Details: Based on BL, Cotton Vespasian B.XIV (i.e. MS ‘B’), with original MS readings and variants from Cambridge, Clare College Kk 3.13 (i.e. MS ‘C’. s.xiii1-m); BL, Addit. 59616 (i.e. MS ‘T’, s.xiiiex); Paris, BN franç. 902 (i.e. MS ‘P’, s.xiii2); BL, Cotton Vespasian D.IV (i.e. MS ‘D’, c.1300); and BL, Harley 3775 (i.e. MS ‘H’, c.1300).
Notes: Previously S Thom1.

Search AND Citations

S Thom beneit2

Fragment of the Life of St. Thomas Becket, by Beneit (Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College, 123)
Ian Short, ‘The Patronage of Beneit’s Vie de Thomas Becket’, Medium Ævum 56 (1987), 239-56.
c.1184; s.xiiex (MS)
Dean: 509

Search AND Citations

S Thom paris

Fragment of a Life of St. Thomas Becket, attributed to Matthew Paris (BL, Loan MS 88)
Paul Meyer, Fragments d’une vie de saint Thomas de Cantorbéry en vers accouplés, SATF, Paris, 1885.
1220-40 (text and MS)
DEAF: SThomFragmM
Dean: 510
Notes: Previously S Thom2.

Search AND Citations

S Will

Augustus Jessopp and Montague R. James, The Life and Miracles of St. William of Norwich by Thomas of Monmouth, Cambridge, 1896.
Dean: —
Notes: This text does not include any A-N.

Search AND Citations


Seven Sacraments
MS: Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodley 82, ff. 39-40
s.xiv (MS) (?)
Dean: —
Notes: Transcription provided by Geert De Wilde.

Search AND Citations


Macaronic hymn to the BVM in alternating A-N and Latin lines (BL, Harley 4657)
IN: Carol J. Harvey, ‘Du sacré au sacrilège: deux poèmes anglo-normands’, in G. Di Stefano and R. M. Bidler Le Moyen Français: Du manuscrit à l’imprimé, 1989, 107-17 (pp. 109-10).
s.xiv1/4 (MS)
Dean: 808
Notes: The hymn was previously published in Rel Ant (VI).

Search AND Citations

Sale of Wool

A-N documents from The National Archives, relating to wool trade
Adrian Bell, Chris Brooks and Paul Dryburgh, Advance Contracts for the Sale of Wool, c.1200-c.1327, List and Index Society 315, Kew, 2006.
1275-1327 (A-N documents)
Dean: —
Notes: Mainly in Latin, but A-N on pp. 10 (1275), 160 (1315), 172 (1324), 180-218 (1294) and 226.

Search AND Citations


Proverbs of Salomon, by Sanson de Nantuil (BL, Harley 4388)
C. Claire Isoz, Les Proverbes de Salemon by Sanson de Nantuil, 3 vols, ANTS 44, 45 and 50, London, 1988 and 1994.
c.1136-65; c.1200 (MS)
DEAF: ProvSalSanI
Dean: 458
Notes: For the prologue, see Vernac Lit (XXXIX).

Search AND Citations

Salemon Fragm

Incomplete A-N paraphrase and commentary of the Proverbs of Solomon (Paris, BN, franc. 24862)
Heine van Bömmel, Eine altfranzösische Paraphrase der Proverbia Salomonis, unpublished thesis, Gießen, 1968.
c.1200; s.xiiim (MS)
DEAF: ProvSalParB
Dean: 459
Notes: See Paroles Salomun.

Search AND Citations

Salisbury Letter

Letter of the mayor and citizens of Salisbury to the chancellor (TNA SC 1/41-93)
IN: W. Mark Ormrod, ‘French Residents in England at the Start of the Hundred Years War’, in Thelma Fenster and Carolyn P. Collette, The French of Medieval England: Essays in Honour of Jocelyn Wogan-Browne, Cambridge, 2017, 190-205 (p. 205).
Dean: —

Search AND Citations


Thomas Sampson’s treatises on letter-writing
Henry G. Richardson, ‘Letters of the Oxford Dictatores’, in Herbert E. Salter et al., Formularies which Bear on the History of Oxford 2, Oxford Historical Society, New Series 5, Oxford, 1942, pp. 360-416.

(I) Ars dictaminis, possibly by Thomas Sampson (excerpts only from BL, Harley 4971); s.xiv2; xivex (MS) (pp. 360-63); Dean: 317; see also Ars Dict (II) MS ‘H’.
(II) Ars dictaminis, possibly by Thomas Sampson (excerpts only from Cambridge University Library, Ee.4.20); c.1385; c.1400 (MS) (pp. 370-76); Dean: 317; for the complete text see Ars Dict (II).
(III) Bone littere (excerpts only from BL, Add. 17716); c.1371; s.xv1 (MS) (pp. 377-78); Dean: 319.
(IV) Model letters (excerpts only from BL, Harley 4383); c.1380; s.xivex (MS) (pp. 385-91); Dean: 324.
(V) Salutarium by Thomas Sampson (excerpts only from Warminster, Longleat House, Marquess of Bath’s Libr. 37) (pp. 392-97); Dean: -.
(VI) Dictaminal Treatise, possibly by Thomas Sampson (excerpts only from Warminster, Longleat House, Marquess of Bath’s Libr. 37); c.1381; s.xivex (MS) (pp. 398-403); Dean: 320; for more extracts, see Cist Form.
(VII) Model letters by Thomas Sampson (excerpts only from Warminster, Longleat House, Marquess of Bath’s Libr. 37) (pp. 404-05); Dean: -.
(VIII) Report on Thomas Sampson’s Ars dictaminis (excerpts only from Cambridge, University Library, Ee 4.20); c.1385; s.xivex (MS) (pp. 406-07); Dean: 318.
(IX) Ars dictaminis by Thomas Sampson (excerpts only from BL, Harley 3988; c.1385; c.1400 (MS) (pp. 408-10); Dean: 321.
(X) Modus composicionis literarum (excerpts only from Cambridge, Trinity College, B.14.40); 1410-15 (pp. 418-30); Dean: 323.

DEAF: RichardsonDicta

Search AND Citations


Thomas Sampson’s treatises on letter-writing (variant MSS to samps1)

(I) Ars dictaminis, possibly by Thomas Sampson; s.xiv2; Dean: 317; BL Harley 4971 (i.e. MS ‘H1’); c.1400 (MS) - see also Ars Dict (II and III) (MS ‘H’) and BL, Harley 4993 (i.e. MS ‘H2’); s.xivex (MS).
(II) Ars dictaminis; c.1385; Dean: 321; BL, Harley 3988 (i.e. MS ‘H3’); c.1400 (MS) – see also Ars Dict (IV).
(III) model letters by Thomas Sampson; c.1380; Dean: 324; BL, Harley 4383 (i.e. MS ‘H4’); s.xivex (MS).
(IV) Bone littere; s.xv1; Dean: 319; BL, Addit. 17716 (i.e. MS ‘A’); s.xv1 (MS).
(V) Report on Thomas Sampson’s Ars dictaminis; c.1385; Dean: 318; Cambridge University Library Ee 4.20 (i.e. MS ‘C’); c.1400 (MS) – see Ars Dict (I and II).
(VI) Dictaminal Treatise, possibly by Thomas Sampson; c.1381; Dean: 320; Warminster, Longleat House, Marquess of Bath’s Libr. 37 (i.e. MS ‘L’); s.xivex (MS).
(VII) Manere de salutacion; c.1415-20; Dean: 322; Cambridge, Trinity College B.14.40 (i.e. MS ‘T’); c.1415-20.


Search AND Citations

Samuel ANB

The Books of Samuel in the Anglo-Norman Bible (BL, Royal 1.C.iii, ff. 184v.234r)
Brent A. Pitts and Maureen B.M. Boulton, The Anglo-Norman Bible’s Books of Samuel, A Critical Edition (BL, Royal, 1 C III), Textes Vernaculaires du Moyen Age 31, Turnhout 2023.
s.xiv1; xivm (MS)
DEAF: BibleAgn
Dean: 469
Details: Also provides excerpts from variant MS Paris, BN, fran. 1 (i.e. MS ‘P’, c.1350), pp. 179-91.
Notes: See also Bible Royal and Bible HACKETT (MSS ‘A’ and ‘D’).

Search AND Citations

Sancti Albani

A-N material in the History of the Abbots of St. Alban’s
Henry Thomas Riley, Gesta Abbatum Monasterii Sancti Albani, A Thoma Walsingham, Regnante Ricardo Secundo, Ejusdem Ecclesiae Praecentore, Compilata, 3 vols, Rolls Series 28, London, 1867-69.
793-1290 (vol. 1), 1290-1349 (vol. 2) and 1349-1411 (vol. 3)
Dean: —
Details: BL, Cotton Claudius E.IV, with a continuation from Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 7. Vol. 2, pp. 511-19 (Appendix D) transcribes the Rule of the Priory of St Mary Sopwell from BL, Cotton Nero D.1.

Search AND Citations

Sandahl Sea

A-N shipping terminology from various sources
Bertil Sandahl, Middle English Sea Terms, 3 vols:
Vol. 1, The Ship’s Hull, Essays and Studies on English Language and Literature 8, Uppsala, 1951;
Vol. 2, Masts, Spars, and Sails, Essay and Studies on English Language and Literature 20, Uppsala, 1958;
Vol. 3, Standing and Running Rigging, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis 42, Upsala, 1982.
DEAF: SandahlSea
Dean: —

Search AND Citations


Le Miracle de Sardenai
Gaston Raynaud, ‘Le Miracle de Sardenai’, Romania 11 (1882) 519-37 (text) and Romania 14 (1885) 82-93 (variants).
s.xiii1/4; s.xiii2/4 (base MS)
Dean: 563
Details: Based on Tours, Bibliothèque municipale, 927 (s.xiii2/4), with variants from BL, Royal 4 C.XI (i.e. MS ‘L’, s.xiii1/4) and Oxford, Corpus Christi College, 232 (i.e. MS ‘O’, s.xiiim).
Notes: Possibly a Norman composition, preserved in four Anglo-Norman manuscripts.
For the prologue and epilogue, see also Vernac Lit (XXXIV).

Search AND Citations

Satire Clergy

A-N lines in a Latin satire of the clergy (BL, Harley 978)
IN: Peter Coss, Thomas Wright’s Political Songs of England: From the Reign of King John to that of Edward II, Cambridge, 1996, pp. 51-56.
s.xiii2 (MS)
Dean: 97

Search AND Citations


Scalacronica by Sir Thomas Gray of Heton (Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 133)
Andy King, Sir Thomas Gray: Scalacronica (1272-1363), Surtees Society 209, Woodbridge, 2005.
c.1355-64; s.xivex (MS)
DEAF: BrutThomS
Dean: 74
Notes: For the prologue, see also Vernac Lit (XVI).

Search AND Citations

Scot Docs

Francis Palgrave, Documents and Records Illustrating the History of Scotland and the Transactions Between the Crowns of Scotland and England, Preserved in the Treasury of Her Majesty’s Exchequer, vol. 1, Record Commission, London, 1837.
DEAF: PalgraveScot
Dean: —

Search AND Citations

Scot Household

Excerpts from Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 37
Mary Bateson, ‘The Scottish King’s Household, Early in the Fourteenth Century’, Scottish History Society 44 (1904), 3-43 (esp. pp. 31-37).
Dean: —

Search AND Citations


A-N passages in the Scriveners' Company Common Paper
MS: London, Guildhall, 5370, pp. 1-8, 186, 222 and 281-82.
1357-95; s.xivex-1628 (MS) (A-N texts)
DEAF: RegScriv
Dean: —

Search AND Citations

Scrope and Grosvenor

A-N material, from The National Archives
Nicholas Harris Nicolas, The Controversy between Sir Richard Scrope and Sir Robert Grosvenor in the Court of Chivalry, A.D. MCCCLXXXV-MCCCXC: A Transcript of the Original Roll, vol. 1, London, 1832.
Dean: —
Notes: Also contains Latin material.

Search AND Citations

Scutage Ed I

A-N document from the Exchequer Memoranda Rolls
Helena M. Chew, ‘Scutage under Eward I’, English Historical Review 37 (1922), 321-36 (p. 335, n. 5).
Dean: —

Search AND Citations

Secr abernun

Verse translation of Secretum secretorum, by Pierre d’Abernun of Fetcham (Paris, BN, franç., 25407)
Oliver A. Beckerlegge, Le Secré de Secrez by Pierre D’Abernun of Fetcham from the Unique Manuscript B.N. 25407, ANTS 5, Oxford, 1944.
c.1270; s.xiii4/4 (MS)
DEAF: SecrSecrAbernB
Dean: 236
Notes: Previously Secr1.

Search AND Citations

Secr anon

Anonymous prose translation of Secretum secretorum (BL, Royal 20.B.V)
Oliver A. Beckerlegge, ‘An abridged Anglo-Norman Version of the Secretum Secretorum’, Medium Ævum 13 (1944), 1-17.
s.xiv1 (?); xivm (MS)
DEAF: SecrSecrPr4B
Dean: 237
Notes: Previously Secr2.

Search AND Citations

Secr Physiognomy

Anglo-Norman copy of the chapter on physiognomy from a Continental prose translation of Secretum Secretorum
MS: BL, Royal 12.C.XII, 91v-94r
c.1320-40 (MS)
Dean: 238
Notes: Transcription provided by Geert De Wilde.

Search AND Citations


Section on health and a dietary from a prose translation of Secretum secretorum, by Jofroi de Waterford and Servais Copale (Paris, BN, franç. 1822, 100va-132ra)
Yela Schauwecker, Die Diätetik nach demSecretum secretorum’ in der Version von Jofroi de Waterford: Teiledition und lexikalische Untersuchung, Würzburger medizinhistorische Forschungen 92, Würzburg, 2007.
1266-1300; c.1300 (MS)
DEAF: SecrSecrPr2S
Dean: 239
Notes: It is believed that the Anglo-Irish Jofroi de Waterford is the translator of this text, and that the Walloon Servais Copale worked as his scribe.
Lines 2355-76 are supplied from the London MS (see Secr waterford2).
For a separate edition of the section on the virtues of wine (110vb-114ra), see also Albert Henry, ‘Un texte œnologique de Jofroi de Waterford et Servais Copale’, Romania 107 (1986), 1-37 (DEAF: SecrSecrPr2H).
For different sections (including the prologue) of the same text, see Vernac Lit (XXXIII).
Replaced by Waterford busby (III).

Search AND Citations


Fragment of a prose translation of Secretum secretorum, by Jofroi de Waterford and Servais Copale (London, Society of Antiquaries 101, flyleaves)
Tony Hunt, ‘A New Fragment of Jofroi de Waterford’s Segré de Segrez’, Romania 118 (2000), 289-314.
1266-1300; s.xiv1/4 (MS)
DEAF: SecrSecrPr2LH
Dean: 239
Notes: It is believed that the Anglo-Irish Jofroi de Waterford is the translator of this text, and that the Walloon Servais Copale worked as his scribe.
Replaced by Waterford busby (III).

Search AND Citations


Three Anglo-Norman glosses among Old English ones to Caelius Sedulius’ Carmen Paschale
Michael Lapidge, ‘Some Old English Sedulius Glosses from BN Lat 8092’, Anglia 100 (1982) 1-17 (pp. 4-5, n.19).
Dean: —

Search AND Citations


A-N verse (La Seisine) and fragments in the margin of an Anglo-Saxon lawbook
IN: Elaine Treharne, Perceptions of Medieval Manuscripts: The Phenomenal Book, 2021, Oxford, pp. 100 and 103-04.
s.xiii1 (MS)
Dean: 250 and 455

Search AND Citations

Sel Bills Eyre

A-N documents on legal cases presented to the Eyre
William Craddock Bolland, Select Bills in Eyre, A.D. 1292-1333, Selden Society 30, London, 1914.
DEAF: BollandEyre
Dean: —
Notes: Contains mainly A-N material.

Search AND Citations

Sel Chart

A-N Legal documents
William Stubbs, Select Charters and Other Illustrations of English Constitutional History: From the Earliest Time to the Reign of Edward the First, 9th edition, revised by H. W. C. Davis, Oxford, 1921.
Dean: —
Notes: Contains some A-N documents: pp. 312-13 (reproduces London Mun Coll 502-03 and 492-93), 379-84 (reproduces Ann Burt i 447-53), 442 (reproduces Stats i 26 and 35), 449-50 (reproduces Stats i 45), 462 (reproduces Stats i 53-54), 464-66 (reproduces Stats i 96-98) and 490-91.

Search AND Citations

Sel Pleas

Documents concerning the Jewry
James M. Rigg, Select Pleas, Starrs, and Other Records from the Rolls of the Exchequer of the Jews, A.D. 1220-1284, Selden Society 15, London, 1901.
1268-84 (A-N documents)
Dean: —
Notes: Contains mainly Latin, but A-N on pp. xlviii-l (1269), liv-lx (1275-79), 48-50 (1268) and 132-33 (1284).

Search AND Citations

Selby Coucher

Three A-N documents
IN: Joseph Thomas Fowler, The Coucher Book of Selby, vol. 2, The Yorkshire Archaeological and Topographical Association 13, Leeds, 1893, pp. 366-67, 372 and 378-79.
Dean: —

Search AND Citations


Duplicate siglum for henley1 (III).

Search AND Citations


A-N invitation to dance
Daron Burrows, ‘Le Sengle (Cambridge, Trinity College O.3.45): Une contribution anglo-normande à la lexicographie et à l’histoire de la danse’, Romania 537-38 (2017), 181-93 (p. 183).
s.xivm (MS)
Dean: 228

Search AND Citations


Sentences from the Fathers, eighteen pronouncements attributed to Gregory, Augustine, David, Clement, Bede, Solomon, Jerome, Seneca and others
MS: BL, Egerton 613, f. 13r.
s.xiii (?); c.1300 (MS)
Dean: —
Notes: Previously Sent.
Transcription provided by Jennifer Gabel de Aguirre and Geert De Wilde, available here.

Search AND Citations

Sept Choses

The Seven Things That Displease God (Princeton, University Library, Taylor Medieval 12)
IN: Paul Meyer, ‘Notice du MS. 25970 de la bibliotheque Phillipps’, Romania 37 (1908), 209-35 (pp. 212-15).
s.xiv2/4 (MS)
Dean: 698

Search AND Citations

Serm DTC Ash

Sermon on Ash Wednesday (Dublin, Trinity College, 312)
Robin F. Jones, ‘An Anglo-Norman Rhymed Sermon for Ash Wednesday’, Speculum 54 (1979), 71-84.
s.xiii2; xiv1 (MS)
Dean: 612
Notes: Previously Serm4.

Search AND Citations

Serm DTC Shrift

Verse treatise on confessionM (Dublin, Trinity College, 312)
Robin F. Jones, ‘An Anglo-Norman Rhymed Sermon on Shrift’, Modern Philology 79 (1982), 347-58.
s.xiii2; 1300-75 (MS)
Dean: 668
Notes: Previously Serm5.

Search AND Citations

Serm Pentecost

A-N prose sermon for Pentecost (Paris, BN, franç. 24862)
IN: Paul Meyer, ‘Notice sur le manuscrit fr. 24862 de la Bibliothèque nationale contenant divers ouvrages composés ou écrits en Angleterre’, Notices et extraits des manuscrits de la Bibliothèque Nationale et autres bibliothèques, 41 vols, Paris, 1787-1965, vol. 35.1 (1896), pp. 158-59.
s.xiiim (MS)
Dean: 613

Search AND Citations

Serm Rawlinson

Sermon on Creation and the Apocalypse (Oxford, Bodleian Library, Rawlinson poetry 241)
M. E. Porter, ‘Seignours, vous qe en Dieux creez: An Anglo-Norman Rymed Sermon of the Thirteenth Century’, Symposium 6 (1952), 88-99.
s.xiii2; xiv1/4 (MS)
DEAF: SermSeignP
Dean: 606
Notes: Previously Serm3.

Search AND Citations

Serm Royal

Le Sermon en vers (a.k.a. The Corruption of the World) (BL, Royal 20 B.XIV)
IN: Frédéric Joseph Tanquerey, Deux poèmes moraux anglo-français: Le Roman des Romans et le Sermon en vers: Oyez, seigneurs, sermun, Paris, 1922, pp. 24-41 and 103-87.
s.xiii2/4, c.1300 (MS)
DEAF: SermOyezT
Dean: 602
Notes: Previously Serm1.

Search AND Citations

Serm simon

Part three of a three-part sermon by Simon of Carmarthen (Oxford, Bodl. Library, Selden supra 74)
IN: Edmund Stengel, Reimpredigt, ‘Handschriftliches aus Oxford’, Zeitschrift für französische Sprache und Literatur 14 (1892), 127-60 (pp. 150-51).
Dean: 593.III
Notes: Previously Serm2.
AND2 uses Lyric (XXXIX) for this text. For parts one and two, see Lyric (XXX) (AND1 used Oroison) and Penit.

Search AND Citations

Set Dorm

Les set dormanz, by Chardri (BL, Cotton Caligula, A.IX)
IN: John Koch, Chardry’s ‘Josaphaz’, ‘Set Dormanz’ und ‘Petit Plet’, Altfranzösische Bibliothek 1, Heilbronn, 1879, pp. 76-123.
s.xiiiin; xiii3/4 (MS)
DEAF: ChardryDormK
Dean: 534
Notes: Replaced in AND1 from D onwards and in AND2 with Set Dorm ants.

Search AND Citations

Set Dorm ANTS

Les set dormanz, by Chardri
Brian S. Merrilees, ‘La Vie des Set Dormanz’ by Chardri, ANTS 35, London, 1977.
s.xiiiin; xiii3/4 (MSS)
DEAF: ChardryDormM
Dean: 534
Details: Based on BL, Cotton Caligula, A.IX, with variants from Oxford, Jesus College, 29 (i.e. MS ‘O’).
Notes: For a Modern English translation, see Neil Cartlidge, The Works of Chardri: Three Poems in the French of Thirteenth-Century England: ‘The Life of the Seven Sleepers’, ‘The Life of St. Josaphaz’, and ‘The Little Debate’, The French of England Translation Studies 9, Tempe, 2015, 41-69.
For a Modern French translation, see Baptiste Laïd, Chardri: 'Barlaam et Josaphat', 'Les Sept Dormants' et 'Le Petit Plet', Édition bilingue, établie, traduite, présentée et annotée, Champion Classiques, Paris, 2024, 238-347.

Search AND Citations

Set Pechez

Verse treatise on the Seven Deadly Sins, a.k.a. Une petite sume de les set pechez morteus (BL, Harley 4657)
Tony Hunt, ‘Une petite sume de les set pechez morteus (MS London BL Harley 4657)’, in Ian Short, Medieval French Textual Studies in Memory of T. B. W. Reid, ANTS, Occasional Publications Series 1, London, 1984, pp. 65-98.
s.xiii2; xivin (MS)
DEAF: SeptPechHarlH
Dean: 653

Search AND Citations


Verse translation of Seth, a.k.a The Holy Rood, part of the Penitence of Adam (Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 66a)
Henry H. Hilton, ‘Seth’, Studies in the Romance Languages and Literatures, 2 (1941), 41-61.
s.xiiim (MS)
DEAF: SCroixCambrL
Dean: 480
Notes: Previously Seth.
Replaced in AND2 with Seth2 for ll. 1-429 and Child Jesus for ll. 430-554.

Search AND Citations


Verse translation of Seth, a.k.a The Holy Rood, part of the Penitence of Adam (Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 66a)
Moshé Lazar, ‘La Légende de L’Arbre de Paradis ou Bois de la croix’, Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie 76 (1960), 34-63 (esp. pp. 52-63).
s.xiii1; c.1254 (MS)
DEAF: SCroixCambrL
Dean: 480

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Robin Ward, The World of the Medieval Shipmaster: Law, Business and the Sea, c.1350-c.1450, Woodbridge, 2009.
Dean: —
Details: Appendix 1 (pp. 183-205): Liber Horn MS of Lex D’Oléron;
Appendix 2 (pp. 206-18): AN Inquisition Taken at Quinborough, discussion and corrections of Blk Bk Adm 132-77;
Appendix 3: excerpts from Les Bons Usages et les Bonnes Costumes et les Bons Jugemenz de la Commune D’Oleron (Oxford, Bodleian Library, Douce 227).

Search AND Citations

Shirley Letter

John Shirley’s letter for the Earl of Warwick (Stratford, Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, DR 98/85)
Margaret Connolly, ‘A Newly Identified Letter in the Hand of John Shirley’, The Library, 6th series, 19 (1997), 242-47 (esp. p. 242).
Dean: —

Search AND Citations

Si jeo desire

A-N song on the vanity of human love (Cambridge, Emmanuel College, 106)
IN: Tauno F. Salminen, ‘An Anonymous French Religious Poem in the Fourteenth-Century MS Emmanuel College Cambridge 1.4.31’, Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 41 (1940), 127-35 (pp. 133-34).
s.xivm (MS)
Dean: 917

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Le livre de Sibylle, French version of the Latin tradition of prohecies by the Tiburtine Sybil, attributed to Philippe de Thaon (Paris, BN, franç. 25407)
Hugh Shields, Le Livre de Sibile by Philippe de Thaon, ANTS 37, London, 1979.
c.1141; s.xiii4/4 (MS)
Dean: 383

Search AND Citations

Siege Antioche gabel

First 5127 lines of Siege d’Antioche, a verse account of the First Crusade, based on Baudri de Bourgueil’s Latin Chronicle
Jennifer Gabel de Aguirre, La Chanson de la Première Croisade en ancien français d’après Baudri de Bourgueil. Édition et analyse lexicale, Romanische Texte des Mittelalters 3, Heidelberg, 2015.
s.xiii1; xiiim (MS)
DEAF: CroisBaudriG
Dean: —
Details: Based on Oxford, Bodleian Library Hatton 77 (i.e. MS ‘H’), with variants from BL, Addit. 33114 (olim Spalding, Ayscoughfee Hall) (i.e. MS ‘S’) (c.1400). 
Notes: For a Modern English translation, see

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Siege Antioche meyer

Extracts from Siege d’Antioche, a verse account of the First Crusade, based on Baudri de Bourgueil’s Latin Chronicle, followed by a contemporary continuation
Paul Meyer, ‘Un récit en vers français de la première croisade fondé sur Baudri de Bourgueil’, Romania 5 (1876), 1-63.
s.xiii1; xiiim (MS) (pp. 8-41) and c.1400 (MS) (pp. 41-56)
DEAF: CroisBaudriM; CroisSpaldM
Dean: —
Details: Based on Oxford, Bodleian Library, Hatton 77, with a continuation (pp. 41-56) and variants from BL, Addit. 33114 (olim Spalding, Ayscoughfee Hall) (i.e. MS ‘S’) (c.1400).
Notes: Previously Croisade.
For a Modern English translation, see

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Siege Antioche petit

Extracts from Siege d’Antioche, a verse account of the First Crusade, based on Baudri de Bourgueil’s Latin Chronicle
Aimé Petit, ‘Le Champ chrétien devant Antioche dans le RPCBB’, Romania 108 (1987), 503-19.
s.xiii1; xiiim (MS)
DEAF: CroisBaudriP
Dean: —
Details: Based on Oxford, Bodleian Library Hatton 77 (i.e. MS ‘H’), with variants from BL, Addit. 33114 (olim Spalding, Ayscoughfee Hall) (i.e. MS ‘S’) (c.1400). 
Notes: For a Modern English translation, see

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Siege Orange

Fragments of an Anglo-Norman copy of Siège d’Orange, a Continental French poem of the Guillaume Cycle
Marianne Ailes, Tamara Atkin and Philp E. Bennett, A Fragment of a Lost Chanson de geste, Florilegium 35 (2018), 158-79.
s.xiii4/4 (MS)
Dean: —

Search AND Citations

Siege Tournai

A-N letter in the Historia Roffensis
Clifford J. Rogers, ‘An Unknown News Bulletin form the Siege of Tournai in 1340’, War in History 5 (1980), 358-66.
1340; c.1350 (MS)
Dean: —

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Damaged MS of The Fifteen Signs of the Day of Judgement (Manchester, University Library, John Rylands Fr. 6)
Robert Fawtier and E. C. Fawtier-Jones, ‘Les Quinze Signes du jugement dernier’, Romania 49 (1923), 340-42.
s.xiii; xiii2 (MS)
DEAF: QSignesManF
Dean: 639
Notes: Previously Signes.

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The Fifteen Signs of the Day of Judgement (Tours, Bibl. Munic., 927)
IN: K. Graß, Das Adamsspiel, anglonormannisches Gedicht des XII. Jahrhunderts, mit einem Anhang, Die Fünfzehn Zeichen des Jüngsten Gerichts, Halle, 1891, pp. 53-67 and 77-78.
s.xiii2/4 (MS)
DEAF: QSignesG
Dean: 639
Notes: The poem immediately follows Adam2 in the original manuscript.

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The Fifteen Signs of the Day of Judgement (Tours, Bibl. Munic., 927)
IN: Paul Aebischer, Le Mystère d’Adam, Geneva and Paris, 1963, pp. 93-104 (ll. 945-1305).
s.xiii2/4 (MS)
DEAF: QSignes
Dean: 639
Notes: The poem immediately follows Adam2 in the original manuscript.

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Additional manuscripts of The Fifteen Signs of the Day of Judgement
IN: Erik von Kræmer, Les Quinze signes du jugement dernier: Poème anonyme de la fin du XIIe ou du début du XIIIe siècle, publié d’après tous les manusrits, Helsinki, 1966.
1225-1325 (MSS)
DEAF: QSignesK
Dean: 639
Details: This edition is used only for the variants in Paris, BN, franç. 19152 (i.e. MS ‘H’, s.xivin); London, Lambeth Palace, 522 (i.e. MS ‘P’, c.1300); Cambridge, University Library, Gg.1.1 (i.e. MS ‘Q’, s.xiv1/4); Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College, 435 (i.e. MS ‘R’, s.xiii1-m); Cambridge, St. John’s College, B.9 (i.e. MS ‘S’, s.xiv1/4); and Oxford, Corpus Christi College, 36 (i.e. MS ‘T’, s.xiiiex).
Notes: For excerpts from MS 'P', see Lambeth reinsch (XVIII); for excerpts from MS 'Q', see Rom 15 (Gg.1.1) (V).

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Prose version of The Fifteen Signs of the Day of Judgement
MS: BL, Egerton 613, 30r.
c.1300 (MS)
DEAF: QSignes
Dean: 639
Notes: Transcription provided by Geert De Wilde, available here.

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A-N documents on trade
Homme Jakob Smit, Bronnen tot de Geschiedenis van den Handel met Engeland, Schotland en Ierland, vol. 1, 1150-1485, ‘s Gravenhage, 1928.
Dean: —

Search AND Citations

Song Books

Six A-N polyphonic songs
IN: R. Rastall, Two Fifteenth-Century Song Books, Musical Sources 27, Clarabricken, 1989, pp. ix-xvii, xx-xxvii and xxxi-xxxii.

(I) Four songs in Cambridge, University Library, Addit. 5943; c.1400 (MS); Dean: 110.
(II) Two songs in Oxford, Bodleian Library, Douce 381; s.xv1/4 (MS); Dean: 111.

c.1400-25 (MSS)

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Song renaus

A-N pui song by Renaus de Hoilande (TNA E 163/22/1/2)
IN: T. Wright, Anecdota literaria, London, 1844, pp. 88-89.
DEAF: WrightAnecd
Dean: 120

Search AND Citations


A-N documents from The National Archives
G. E. Trease, ‘Spicers and Apothecaries of the Royal Household in the Reigns of Henry III, Edward I and Edward II’, Nottingham Medieval Studies 3 (1959), 19-52 (esp. pp. 41-47).
Dean: —

Search AND Citations

St Edmund's Abbey

A-N documents related to Abbey of Bury St Edmunds
Thomas Arnold, Memorials of St. Edmund’s Abbey, vol. 3, Rolls Series 96, London, 1896.

(I) Excerpts from Cambridge, University Library, Gg. 4.4 (pp. 179-82).
(II) Extorded Charter of 1327; Cambridge, University Library, Ee.3.60 (pp. 302-17).
(III) Five A-N letters of 1418 (pp. 203-06).

Dean: —

Search AND Citations

St Sard

A-N documents
Pierre Chaplais, The War of Saint-Sardos (1323-25): Gascon Correspondence and Diplomatic Documents, Camden Society, 3rd Series 87, London, 1954.
DEAF: ChaplaisStSardos
Dean: —
Notes: Contains Latin and A-N documents.

Search AND Citations


A-N in The Register of Edmund Stafford and the will of Sir William Bonevylle
Francis C. Hingeston-Randolph, The Register of Edmund Stafford (A.D. 1395-1419); An Index and Abstract of its Contents, London, 1886.
Dean: —
Notes: Contains a small number of very brief A-N excerpts, together with the full text of the A-N will (pp. 391-93).

Search AND Citations


A-N material in the Latin Register of Walter de Stapeldon
Francis C. Hingeston-Randolph, The Register of Walter de Stapeldon, Bishop of Exeter (A.D. 1307-1326), London, 1892.
Dean: —

Search AND Citations

Starlyng and Leget

Excerpts of an indenture between John Starlyng and Helmyng Leget
IN: Nicholas Harris Nicolas, A History of the Royal Navy from the Earliest Times to the Wars of the French Revolution, vol. 2, London, 1847, pp. 475-76.
Dean: —

Search AND Citations


Two A-N documents
Israel Abrahams, H. P. Stokes and Herbert Loewe, Starrs and Jewish Charters Preserved in the British Museum, 3 vols, Jewish Historical Society of England, Cambridge, 1930-32.
1266-68 (A-N documents)
Dean: —
Notes: Vol. 1, pp. 12-21 (1267-68) and 124-27 (1266).

Search AND Citations

Stat Gloucester

A-N document (Ancient Petition no. 10975)
G. O. Sayles, ‘The Sources of Two Revisions of the Statute of Gloucester, 1278’, English Historical Review 52 (1937), 467-74 (esp. pp. 473-74).
Dean: —

Search AND Citations

Stat Money

A statute amending a statute of money (L.T.R. Memoranda Roll 35 Edw. I, E. 368/77, m.56)
Henry G. Richardson and George Sayles, ‘The Early Statutes’, Law Quarterly Review 50 (1934), 540-571 (esp. p. 571).
Dean: —

Search AND Citations

Stat vir rel

A-N translation of the Statutum de viris religiosis
Albert Stimming, ‘Anglonormannische Version von Eduards I Statutum de viris religiosis’, Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie 17 (1893), 279-81.
Dean: —
Notes: Also provides the original Latin text (from Stats i 51).

Search AND Citations

Stat York

A-N document, The National Archives, Parliament and Council Proceedings (Chancery) 5/9
George Lee Haskins, ‘A Draft of the Statute of York’, English Historical Review 52 (1937), 74-77 (esp. pp. 74-75).
Dean: —
Notes: The final version of this statute is in Stats i 189.

Search AND Citations


A-N documents
Alexander Luders, T. E. Tomlins, John France, W. E. Taunton and John Raithby, Statutes of the Realm, vols 1 and 2, Record Commission, London, 1810-25.
vol. i: 1275-1377; vol. ii: 1377-1487
DEAF: StatRealm
Dean: —

Search AND Citations

Stats and Ords Ireland

A-N statutes and ordinances
Henry F. Berry, Statutes and Ordinances and Acts of the Parliament of Ireland, Dublin, 1907.
Dean: —
Notes: Contains A-N material from the Red Book of the Exchequer of Ireland (pp. 46-100, 190-94, 220-26, 270-76, 280-90, 298-304, 332-62, 510-12 and 516-518), the Statutes of Kilkenny, 1366 (pp. 430-68) and further documents (pp. 264-68, 306-12, 314, 374-96, 422-28, 484-86, 488-90, 496-98, 504-508, 514-16, 528-58, and 562-84).

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Stats at Large

A-N statutes
Danby Pickering, Statutes at Large: From the Magna Charta to the Fourteenth Year of K. Edward III Inclusive, vol. 1, Cambridge, 1762.
Dean: —

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Stats Labourers

A-N documents from the Assize rolls and the Year Books of Edward III
Bertha Haven Putnam, The Enforcement of the Statutes of Labourers During the First Decade After the Black Death 1349-1359, Studies in History, Economics and Public Law 32, London, 1908.
1352-77 (A-N documents)
Dean: —
Notes: A-N in the appendix, pp. 31, 170-72, 266-67, 413, 419-20, 422-23, 426-29, 432-33, 437-40, 442-43, 445-46, 448-53, 455, 457-60. Also contains documents from Rot Parl1 and Stats.

Search AND Citations

Stone of Scone

Song of the Legend of the Stone of Scone (Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodley 302)
M. D. Legge, ‘La Piere D'Escoce’, Scottish Historical Review 38 (1959), 109-13.
1307-10; s.xiv2 (MS)
Dean: 86
Notes: Also provides a Modern English translation.

Search AND Citations


Twenty-four A-N letters among the Stonor material
Christine Carpenter, Kingsford’s Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Cambridge, 1996.
Dean: —
Notes: A-N on pp. 90-91 (Nos. 2-3), 93-100 (Nos. 8, 10-12, 14, 16-17), 104-08 (Nos 22-28), 111-16 (Nos 32-39).
Previously published in C. L. Kingsford, Supplementary Stonor Letters and Papers (1314- 1482), Camden Miscellany, Third Series, 34, London, 1923.

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Stud Pow

A-N documents relating to Thomas Turberville
John G. Edwards, ‘The Treason of Thomas Turberville, 1295’, in Richard W. Hunt, William A. Pantin, and Richard W. Southern, Studies in Medieval History Presented to Frederick Maurice Powicke, Oxford, 1948, pp. 296-309.
Dean: —
Notes: Contains documents preserved in Bartholomew Cotton’s chronicle and The National Archives.

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A-N document from Welsh Records
R. Stewart-Brown, ‘Suete de Prisone’, English Historical Review 24 (1909), 506-10 (esp. p. 508).
Dean: —

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‘Jesus’ from the Lexicon of Suidas, immediately followed by Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs, both translated from Grosseteste’s Latin versions (Paris, BN, nouv. acq. franç. 10176)
Ruth J. Dean, ‘An Anglo-Norman Version of Grosseteste: Part of his Suidas and Testamenta XII Patriarcharum’, Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, 51 (1936), 607-20.
s.xiii¾; c.1275 (MS)
DEAF: SudaGrosD
Dean: 487; 479
Notes: For a Modern English translation, see Maureen B.M. Boulton, Piety and Persecution in the French Texts of England, The French of England Translation Series 6, Tempe 2013, pp. 91-95.

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A-N in Sir Ralph Hengham’s Summa Magna and Summa Parva
William Huse Dunham, Radulphi de Hengham Summae, Cambridge, 1932.
Dean: —
Notes: Mainly in Latin, with brief A-N passages (e.g. pp. 25-26 and 34).

Search AND Citations

Surnames reany

A-N elements in English surnames from various sources
H. Reany, A Dictionary of English Surnames, Third Edition with Corrections and Additions by R. M. Wilson, London, 1991.
Dean: —

Search AND Citations

Surrender King John

Two A-N documents in BL, Cotton Cleopatra D.III.
E. L. G. Stones and Margaret N. Blount, ‘The Surrender of King John of Scotland’, Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research 48 (1975), 94-106 (pp. 104-05).
Dean: —

Search AND Citations


Four fragments of and Anglo-Norman version of La Chanson de Syracon
Paolo Rinoldi, 'La Chanson de Syracon', Medioevo Romanzo 35 (2011), 406-24.
s.xiii1/4 (MS)
DEAF: SyraconR
Dean: —

Search AND Citations

Sz Med1

Le Livre de Seyntz Medicines, by Henry of Lancaster
Emile J. Arnould, Le Livre de Seintz Medicines, ANTS 2, Oxford, 1940.
1354; c.1360 (base MS)
Dean: 696
Details: Based on Blackburn, Stonyhurst College, 24 (i.e. MS ‘S’), with variants from Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 218 (i.e. MS ‘C’, s.xivex).
Notes: Previously Sz Med.
For a Modern English translation, see Catherine Batt, Henry of Grosmont, First Duke of Lancaster, ‘Le livre de Seyntz Medicines’, ‘The Book of Holy Medicines’, The French of England Translation Studies 8, Tempe, 2014.

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Sz Med2

Fragment of Le Livre de Seyntz Medicines, by Henry of Lancaster (Aberystwyth, NLW, Peniarth 388 c.2)
Jeanne Krochalis and Ruth J. Dean, ‘Henry of Lancaster’s Livre de Seyntz Medicines: New Fragments of an Anglo-Norman Work’, The National Library of Wales Journal 18 (1973), 87-94.
1354; s.xiv4/4 (MS)
Dean: 696

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