Bibliography of Anglo-Norman Primary Sources

An annotated bibliography, organized alphabetically per AND siglum/abbreviation, of all known Anglo-Norman primary sources available to the AND. Press on a letter to view the sources beginning with the letter.

References are given to Ruth J. Dean and Maureen B.M Boulton, Anglo-Norman Literature: A Guide to Texts and Manuscripts, ANTS Occasional Publications Series 3, London, 1999, and links to the DEAF open on the Complément bibliographique of the Dictionnaire Étymologique de l'Ancien Français website.


A-N documents, mainly from The National Archives
J. B. Post, ‘Courts, Councils, and Arbitrators in the Ladbroke Manor Dispute, 1382-1400’, in Roy Frank Hunnisett and John B. Post, Medieval Legal Records, Edited in Memory of C. A. F. Meekings, London, 1978, pp. 290-339 (esp. pp. 302-39).
Dean: —
Notes: Previously in Meekings.

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Lambeth reinsch

Overview of the A-N contents of London, Lambeth Palace 522
Robert Reinsch, ‘Mittheilungen aus einer französischen Handschrift des Lambeth Palace zu London’, Archiv 63 (1880), 51-96.

(I) Beginning and end of Le chasteau d’amour, by Robert Grosseteste (pp. 52-53); Dean: 622; see Chast Amour (var. MS 'M').
(II) and (III) Excerpts from a prose meditation on the Passion (p. 53); Dean: 959; 629.
(IV) Beginning and end of Ki leaument eyme Jesu Crist in prose; see Passion and Prayers (III) (p. 54); Dean: 962.
(V) Full text of A matines voleit Jhesu orer (pp. 54-55); Dean: 967; see Lyric (XXXV).
(VI) Full text of Seynte Marie pleyne de grace et de piete (p. 55); Dean: 794.
(VII) Full text of Venez dames (pp. 55-56); Dean: 969; see Lyric (XIV).
(VIII) Full text of Ky eyme leal amie, attributed to Nicholas Bozon (pp. 56-57); Dean: 755; see Lyric (XXXVII).
(IX) Beginning and end of Cuard est ke amer n’ose (pp. 57-58); Dean: 913; also provides variant readings to the Oxford, Bodleian Library, Douce 137 version, printed as Digby (Appendix IV); for variant MSS, see Lyric (LII) and Rom 13 (XIX).
(X) Full text of Prium en chantant (p. 58); Dean: 804; see Lyric (I).
(XI) (Latin).
(XII) Full text of Mult est celi fous (pp. 59-61); Dean: 604; see Lyric (XXXI).
(XIII) Beginning and end of a Poem to Christ (p. 61); Dean: 915.
(XIV) Beginning and end of Duz sire Jesu Crist (p. 61); Dean: 904; see Lyric (XI).
(XV) Beginning and end of a prayer to Jesus in prose (pp. 61-62); Dean: 875.
(XVI) Excerpts of the anonymous Gospel of Nicodemus (pp. 62-64); Dean: 501; see Evang Nic Verse (III).
(XVII) Beginning and end of a formula for confession (p. 64); Dean: 659; for a variant MS, see Digby (Ig).
(XVIII) Beginning and end of The Fifteen Signs of the Day Of Judgement (p. 64); Dean: 639; see Signes4 MS ‘P’.
(XIX) Beginning and end of Prayer to the Virgin (p. 65); Dean: 740 (a); 740 (d); for variant MSS, see Digby (LVII), Lyric (II), Rom 13 (XI) and Rom 35 (III).
(XX) Full text of a prayer to the BVM in prose (pp. 65-66); Dean: 778.
(XXI) Full text of Dame seynte Marie, mere de piete (p. 66); Dean: 788.
(XXIIa) Full text of Gloriuse reygne ke le fiz Deu portastes (p. 66); Dean: 772; for variant MSS, see A-N Piety (VIII), Lyric (IXa) and (IXb) and Rom 35 (II).
(XXIIb) Full text of a benediction Beneit seez vos (p. 66); Dean: 792.
(XXIII) Beginning and end of The Nine Joys of the Virgin (p. 66); Dean: 762.
(XXIV) Full text of Beau sire Deu, Jesu Crist (p. 66); Dean: 876.
(XXV) Beginning and end of Duce dame seynte Marie (pp. 66-67); Dean: 776 (1).
(XXVI) Full text of Duce dame recevez (p. 67); Dean: 776 (2).
(XXVII) Full text of Duce dame seynte Marie virgine (p. 67); Dean: 776 (3).
(XXVIII) Beginning and end of Je vos salue de par Deu (p. 67); Dean: 789.
(XXIXa) Full text of an incomplete prayer (p. 67); Dean: 891.
(XXIXb) Full text of an incomplete verse sermon on the Last Judgement (pp. 68-70); Dean: 637.
(XXX) Quant jeo pens de Jhesu Crist (pp. 70-71); Dean: 905; previously included as Dulcis Lambeth; see Lyric (XXXIV).
(XXXI) Full text of a sermon on sin (pp. 72-73); Dean: 665.
(XXXII) Beginning and end of the first prayer by the Crucifixion; see Passion and Prayers (V) (p. 32); Dean: 980 (1).
(XXXIIIa) Beginning of the second prayer by the Crucifixion; see Passion and Prayers (V) (p. 32); Dean: 980 (2).
(XXXIIIb) End of Prayer to Christ, ascribed to St. Edmund (p. 73); Dean: 888; for variant MSS, see Rom 35 (V) and Tower Roll (II).
(XXXIV) repeats (XIV).
(XXXV) repeats (XV).
(XXXVIa) Full text of Gloriouse Deu amie (p. 74, ll. 1-8); Dean: 786.
(XXXVIb) Full text of Gloriuse Marie du cel seynte reyne (p. 74, ll. 9-24); Dean: 787.
(XXXVII) repeats (XXIIb).
(XXXVIIIa) First 16 lines of Jesu Crist sire dreit jugeur (pp. 74-75); Dean: 906.
(XXXVIIIb) Ending of Jesu Crist le fiz Marie (p. 75); Dean: 907.
(XXXIX) repeats (XXIII).
(XL) repeats (XXIV).
(XLI) repeats (XXV) and (XXVI).
(XLII) repeats (XXVII).
(XLIII) repeats (XIX).
(XLIV) repeats (XX).
(XLV) repeats (XXI).
(XLVI) Verse Sermon by Nicholas Bozon (p. 76); Dean: 592; see boz Serm Sermon 8.
(XLVII) Beginning and end of Meditation on the Crucifixion (pp. 76-77); Dean: 976 (2).
(XLVIIIa) Full text of Jesu Crist par ta duçur (p. 77, ll. 1-36); Dean: 908; see Lyric (XXII).
(XLVIIIb) Full text of Dame dame gloriuse (p. 77, starting at l. 37); Dean: 782.
(XLIX) and (L) Beginning and end of Aorez seez vos (p. 77); Dean: 973; see Lyric (X).
(LI) The Commandments (p. 78); Dean: 667; see A-N Piety (XIII) var. MS ‘L’.
(LII) Full text of A ce ke voi en le siecle (pp. 78-89); Dean: —.
(LIII) Full text of Prayer to Jesus (pp. 89-91); Dean: 889; for a variant MS, see Digby (LXI).
(LIV) Beginning and end of Prayer to the Holy Cross (p. 91); Dean: 970.
(LVa) First 10 lines of Duce dame, seynte Marie (p. 91); Dean: 760.
(LVb) Last 8 lines of Dame por cele joie (p. 91); Dean: 752.
(LVI) Complete text of a fragment of a prayer to the BVM (p. 92); Dean: —.
(LVII) Full text of Duz sire Jesu Crist (p. 92); Dean: 909; see Lyric (XV).
(LVIII) Full text of Seynte pucele Margarete (pp. 92-93); Dean: 935; see Lyric (VIII).
(LIXa) First 22 lines of Gloriuse pucele, des angles reygne (p. 93); Dean: 767.
(LIXb) Last 26 lines of Preciuse dame seynte Marie (p. 93); Dean: 773; for variant MSS, see Digby (LXXVII) and MLR 13 (IV).
(LX) Beginning and end of Chante Pleure (pp. 93-94); Dean: 605; for a variant MS, see Rom 13 (XII).
(LXI) Beginning and end of 32 petitions to the BVM (p. 94); Dean: 770.
(LXII) Full text of Eya ore, ma duce amie (p. 95); Dean: 914; see Lyric (XII).

s.xivin (MS)

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Lament Ed II

Lament of Edward II
T. M. Smallwood, ‘The Lament of Edward II’, Modern Language Review 68 (1973), 521-29.
1327; s.xiv2/4 (MSS)
Dean: 87
Details: Parallel edition of BL, Royal 20 A.II (i.e. MS ‘R’) and Warminster, Longleat House, Marquess of Bath’s Libr. 26 (i.e. MS ‘L’).
Notes: Replaces Chanson Ed II of AND1.
See also Pol Songs (IX), which prints only the Longleat MS.

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Lament Montfort

Lament for Simon de Montfort (Dublin, Trinity College, 347)
Hugh Shields, ‘The Lament for Simon de Montfort: An Unnoticed Text of the French Poem’, Medium Ævum 41 (1972) 202-07.
s.xivin (MS)
DEAF: AspinChansPol
Dean: 84
Notes: See also Pol Songs (III) for a different MS of the same text.

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Lancashire Inquests

A-N documents
William Farrer, Lancashire Inquests, Extents, and Feudal Aids, The Record Society for the Publication of Original Documents Relating to Lancashire and Cheshire 48, 54 and 70, Liverpool, 1903, 1907 and 1915.
Dean: —
Notes: A-N in volume three, pp. 21-22.

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Lanercost Tales

Two A-N tales in the Lanercost Chronicle
Diana B. Tyson, ‘Two Prophecies and a Talking Head: An Anglo-Norman Text in the Lanercost Chronicle’, Nottingham Medieval Studies 53 (2009), 39-51 (pp. 50-51).
c.1200; s.xiv (MS)
Dean: —

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A-N legal records
Alice Beardwood, Records of the Trial of Walter Langeton, Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield 1307-12, Camden Society, 4th Series 6, London, 1969.
DEAF: LangetonB
Dean: —
Details: Also provides Latin documents.

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Langtoft thiol1

Section on Edward I in Pierre de Langtoft's Chronicle of England
Jean-Claude Thiolier, Pierre de Langtoft, édition critique et commentée du Règne d’Edouard Ier, unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Paris, 1978.
1280-1307; s.xiv1/4 (base MSS)
Dean: 66; 94
Notes: Previously langt2.
Published in part as langtoft thiol2.

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Section on Edward I in Pierre de Langtoft's Chronicle of England
Jean-Claude Thiolier, Édition critique et commentée de Pierre de Langtoft: Le Règne d’Edouard Ier, Créteil, 1989.
1280-1307; s.xiv1/4 (base MSS)
Dean: 66; 94
Details: Provides a parallel edition of its two redactions. Redaction I is based on London, College of Arms, Arundel XIV (i.e. MS ‘E’, s.xiv1/4) and redaction II is based on BL, Harley 114 (i.e. MS ‘H’, s.xiv1). 
Variant MSS are: BL, Cotton Julius A.V (i.e. MS ‘A’, s.xiv1/4); BL, Royal 20 A.XI (i.e. MS ‘B’, s.xiv2/4); BL, Royal 20 A.II (i.e. MS ‘C’, c.1320); London, College of Arms, Arundel LXI (i.e. MS ‘D’, s.xiv2); Oxford, Bodleian Library, Fairfax 24 (i.e. MS ‘F’, 1305-06); Cambridge, University Library, Gg. I.1 (i.e. MS ‘G’, after 1307); BL, Harley 202 (i.e. MS ‘J’, s.xiv2); Oxford, Bodleian Library, Laud. Misc. 637 (i.e. MS ‘L’ s.xv1); Aylsham Blicking Hall 6892 (i.e. MS ‘N’, s.xivm); Oxford, Bodleian Library, Douce 120 (i.e. MS ‘O’, s.xivm); Paris, BN fr. 12154 (i.e. MS ‘P1’, 1307); Paris, BN fr. 12154 (i.e. MS ‘P2’, s.xiv3/4); Oxford, All Souls College 39 (i.e. MS ‘S’, s.xiv1/3); Cambridge, Sidney Sussex College 43 (i.e. MS ‘U’, s.xiv1/3); BL, Cotton Vitellius A.X (i.e. MS ‘V’, c.1300); New York, Pierpont Morgan Library, M.930 (i.e. MS ‘Y’, c.1327); Dublin, Christ Church Liber Niger (i.e. MS ‘Z’, c.1300).
Also contains
Appendix 1 (pp. 430-31): a brief continuation of the Chronicle, based on BL, Harley 114 (i.e. MS ‘H’, s.xiv1) (Dean: 68).
Appendix 2 (pp. 434-43): extracts from part two, as a parallel edition of BL, Harley 114 (i.e. MS ‘H’, s.xiv1) and BL, Cotton Vitellius A.X (i.e. MS ‘V’, c.1300) with selected variants.
Appendix 3 (pp. 459-83): verse translations of three letters concerning Edward I’s rights in Scotland, i.e. a bull from Pope Boniface to Edward I, Edward I’s reply and a letter from the barons to the pope, based on Princeton, Univ. Libr., Taylor Medieval MS. 12 (i.e. MS ‘R’, s.xivm), with variants from BL, Royal 20 A.XI (i.e. MS ‘B’, s.xiv2/4) and Cambridge, Sidney Sussex College 43 (i.e. MS ‘U, s.xiv1/3 ) (Dean: 67).
Notes: Previously langtoft.
For brief excerpts from MS 'G', see Rom 15 (Gg.1.1) (XVII).

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Chronicle of England, by Pierre de Langtoft (BL, Cotton Julius, A.V)
Thomas Wright, The Chronicle of Pierre de Langtoft, in French Verse from the Earliest Period to the Death of King Edward I, 2 vols, Rolls Series 47, London, 1866-68.
1280-1307; s.xiv1/4 (MS)
DEAF: ChronPLangW2
Dean: 66
Details: Based on BL, Cotton Julius A.V (i.e. MS ‘A’, s.xiv1/4), with variants from BL, Royal 20 A.XI (i.e. MS ‘B’, s.xiv2/4); BL, Royal 20 A.II (i.e. MS ‘C’, c.1320); London, College of Arms, Arundel LXI (i.e. MS ‘D’, s.xiv2); and London, College of Arms, Arundel XIV (i.e. MS ‘E’, s.xiv1/4).
Also contains
Appendix 1 (ii 386-425): Langtoft’s verse-translation of three letters concerning Edward I’s rights in Scotland: a bull from Pope Boniface III, Edward I’s reply and a letter from the barons to the Pope, based on BL, Royal 20 A.XI (i.e. MS ‘B’); see langtoft thiol2 pp. 459-83.
Appendix 2 (ii 426-37): see boz Tret Pass
Appendix 2 (ii 438-47) : see Plaintes Vge (II).
Notes: Previously langt.

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Various lapidaries in A-N
Paul Studer and Joan Evans, Anglo-Norman Lapidaries, Paris, 1924.

(I) First French version of Marbode’s Lapidary; s.xii1/3; xiiex (base MS) (pp. 19-69); DEAF: LapidFFS; Dean: 348; based on Paris, BN lat., 14470 (i.e. MS ‘A’), with variants from Paris, BN fr., 24870 (i.e. MS ‘B’, s.xiiiex), Vatican City, Bibl. Apost. Vatic., Vatic. Misc. 145, Arm. XV (i.e. MS ‘C’, s.xiii2), and Paris, Ste.-Geneviève, 2200 (i.e. MS ‘D’, 1276-77).
(II) A-N verse adaptation of the first French version of Marbode’s Lapidary, with some extra material; s.xiiim (pp. 70-93); DEAF: LapidVAS; Dean: 349; critical edition, combining Paris, BN fr., 14969 (i.e. MS ‘E’, s. xiiiex) and Cambridge, Pembroke College, 87 (i.e. MS ‘F’, c.1300).
(III) First A-N prose Lapidary; s.xii2/4; c.1200 (base MS) (pp. 94-111); DEAF: LapidFPS; Dean: 350; based on Paris, BN, nouv. acq. lat. 873 (i.e. MS ‘G’), with variants from BL, Royal 12 F.XIII (i.e. MS ‘H’, c.1200), and two fragments in Oxford, Bodleian Library, Digby 13 (i.e. MS ‘Ox’, s.xii2) and Dublin, Trinity College, 370 (D.1.25) (i.e. MS ‘Du’, s.xiii2); for a separate edition of the Digby 13 fragment, see Perle.
(IV) Second A-N prose Lapidary; s.xiii1/3 (pp. 111-36); DEAF: LapidSPS; Dean: 351; based on Cambridge, Pembroke College 87 (i.e. MS ‘J’, s.xiiiex), with variants of Cambridge, Pembroke College 111 (i.e. MS ‘K’, s.xiii2) and  five Continental MSS (not used in the AND).
(V) Third A-N prose Lapidary; s.xiii2; s.xiiiex (MS) (pp. 136-51); DEAF: LapidTPS; Dean: 352; based on Paris, BN franç. 25247 (i.e. MS ‘BN’) (a Picard MS, probably from an A-N original).
(VI) Fragment of a fourth A-N prose Lapidary; s.xiii2 (MS) (pp. 151-53); DEAF: LapidFRS; Dean: 353; based on BL Addit. 18210, (i.e. MS ‘Q’).
(VII) Cambridge version of Marbode’s Lapidary in verse (Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College, 435, i.e. MS ‘GC’); s.xiii1 (text and MS) (pp. 154-99); DEAF: LapidCLS; Dean: 354.
(VIII) Alphabetical Lapidary, attributed to Philippe de Thaon; s.xii1/3 (pp. 200-59); DEAF: LapidALS; Dean: 355; based on Cambridge, Pembroke College 87 (i.e. MS ‘M’; s.xiii2) for ll. 1-112, 223-334, 415-46, 481-534, 551-64, 575-648, 655-78, 731-40 and 769-824; and Cambridge, Jesus College, Q. D. 2 (i.e. MS ‘L’; xiiex) for the other lines.
(IX) Apocalyptic Lapidary, attributed to Philippe de Thaon; s.xii1/3; xiiiex (MS) (pp. 260-76); DEAF: LapidAPS; Dean: 356; based on Cambridge, Pembroke College, 87 (i.e. MS ‘M’), with variants from Warminster Longleat House, Marquess of Bath Libr., 26 (i.e. MS ‘N’, s.xiv1).
(X) Lapidary of Engraved Gems (First Prose Version); s.xiiiin; xiii2 (MSS) (pp. 277-86); DEAF: LapidFES; Dean: 358; critical edition based on Cambridge, Pembroke College 87 (MS ‘P’) and BL, Add. 18210 (i.e. MS ‘Q’).
(XI) Lapidary of Engraved Gems (Second Prose Version); s.xiiiin; xiii (MSS) (pp. 286-96); DEAF: LapidSES; Dean: 359; based on Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College, 435 (chapter i-xliv, i.e. MS ‘CC’; s.xiii1) and Paris, Bibl. de l’Arsenal, 3516 (chapters xlv-lix, i.e. MS ‘R’; s.xiii).

s.xii and xiii
DEAF: Studer

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Latin declension

A-N fragment on the endings of first and second Latin declension
Paul Meyer, ‘Les manuscrits français de Cambridge IV. Gonville et Caius College’, Romania 36 (1907), 481-542 (p. 535).
s.xiii3/4 (MS)
Dean: 299

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Law Merch

A-N documents
Charles Gross, Select Cases Concerning the Law Merchant, 3 vols, Selden Society 23, 46 and 49, London, 1908, 1929 and 1932.
Dean: —
Notes: A-N in volume 1, pp. 113-14 (1401); volume 2, pp. lxxx-lxxxvi (n.d.); and volume 3, pp. lxiv (n.d.), 56-57 (1327-28) and 152 (1310).

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Law Reports

A-N material in Law Reports
Paul A. Brand, Earliest English Law Reports, 4 vols, Selden Society 111-12 and 122-23, 1996-2007.
Dean: —

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Lay Subs Lancashire

A-N documents form The National Archives
John A. C. Vincent, Lancashire Lay Subsidies, Being an Examination of the Lay Subsidy Rolls Remaining in the Public Record Office, London, from Henry III to Charles II, Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society 27, Manchester, 1893.
1272-1307 (A-N documents)
Dean: —

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Lay Subs Yorkshire

Two A-N documents
IN: William Brown, Yorkshire Lay Subsidy, Being a Ninth Collected in 25 Edward I (1297), The Yorkshire Archaeological Society, Records Series 16, Leeds, 1894, pp. xv and xx-xxi.
Dean: —
Notes: For pp. xx-xxi, see Wardrobe Spaldington.

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A group of five prose legends of the apostles (St. John the Evangelist, St. John the Baptist, St. Bartholomew, St. Peter and St. Paul)
Delbert W. Russell, Légendier apostolique anglo-normand, Montréal and Paris, 1989.
DEAF: LégApostHR; LégApostPR
Dean: 546
Details: Parallel edition of BL, Harley 2253 (i.e. MS ‘H’, c.1335), and Paris, BN, franç. 19525 (i.e. MS ‘P’, s.xiiiex). Variants of the former are from BL, Egerton 2710 (i.e MS ‘E’, s.xiiim) and Manchester, John Ryland’s Library, French 6 (i.e. MS ‘Er’, s.xiiim) and variants of the latter are from Paris, Bibl. Arsen 3516 (i.e. MS ‘A’, 1267).
Notes: See also Harley Complete (VII)

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Leges retractae

Leges Eadwardi Confessoris retractae (Cambridge, University Librarym Ee.1.1)
IN: Felix Liebermann, ‘Eine Anglonormannische Übersetzung des 12. Jahrhunderts von Articuli Willelmi, Leges Eadwardi und Genealogia Normannorum’, Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie 19 (1895), 77-84 (pp. 82-83).
1192; s.xivin (MS)
DEAF: Tripartita2L
Dean: 34
Notes: This text is the second part of a translation of the Tripartita. For parts one and three, see Art Will and Early prose history.

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Leges Scocie

Anglo-Norman section in the Berne manuscript of the Latin Leges Scocie
Alice Taylor, ‘Leges Scocie and the Lawcodes of David I, William and Lion and Alexander II’, The Scottish Historical Review 88:226 (2009), 207-88 (pp. 278-79).
s.xiii (MS)
Dean: —
Notes: A Modern English translation is provided on pp. 237-40.
For an earlier edition, see APS i 276.

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Extracts from the Archives of the Corporation of Leicester
Mary Bateson, Records of the Borough of Leicester: 1103-1509, 2 vols, London, 1899 and 1901.
1277-1462/1463 (A-N documents)
Dean: —
Notes: Contains material in Latin, A-N and M.E.
Some excerpts are discussed in Exe Bridge2.

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Leis Will

Les leis Willelme
IN: Felix Liebermann, Die Gesetze der Angelsachsen, vol. 1, Halle, 1903, pp. 492-520.
DEAF: LoisGuillL
Dean: 32
Details: Parallel edition of BL, Add. 49366, olim Holkham MS (i.e. MS ‘Hk’; s.xii3/3) and Los Angeles, University of California Research Libr., 170/529 (i.e. ‘I’; s.xvi). ‘I’ is a fourteenth-century version of this text, inserted in the Pseudo-Ingulf Chronicle, which is preserved only in a sixteenth-century printed version.

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Leis Will ANTS

Les leis Willelme (BL, Add. 49366, olim Holkham MS)
Yorio Otaka, ‘Sur la Langue des Leis Willelme’, in Ian Short, Anglo-Norman Anniversary Essays, ANTS Occasional Publications Series 2, London, 1993, pp. 293-308.
c.1150; s.xii3/3 (MS)
DEAF: LoisGuillO
Dean: 32

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Lett & Pet

Miscellaneous collection of A-N letters in Oxford, All Souls College, 182
M. Dominica Legge, Anglo-Norman Letters and Petitions from All Souls MS. 182, ANTS 3, Oxford, 1941.
1390-1412; s.xv1 (MS)
DEAF: LettrOxfL
Dean: 324
Notes: The following documents from this A-N manuscript have authors (and are sometimes also sent to recipients) outside the British Isles: xxxiv (p. 35), 10 (pp. 53-54), 19 (pp. 63-64), 21 (pp. 65-66), 28 (pp. 73-74), 99 (pp. 144-50), 106 (pp. 154-56), 150 (pp. 216-18), 153 (pp. 219-21), 170-72 (pp. 240-45), 174-75 (pp. 248-51), 177-78 (pp. 252-54), 180 (p. 255), 217 (p. 287), 269-70 (pp. 329-30), 276 (p. 334), 278 (pp. 335-38), 287 (pp. 347-48), 307 (pp. 372-73), 332 (pp. 397-98) and 412 (pp. 467-69).

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Lett AF

A-N letters, mainly from The National Archives (Ancient Correspondences)
Frédéric Joseph Tanquerey, Recueil de lettres anglo-françaises (1265-1399), Paris, 1916.
DEAF: LettrTanq
Dean: —

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Lett Beaufort

A-N letter of Henry Beaufort, bishop of Winchester, to the mayor and bailiffs of Winchester
IN: John S. Furley, City Government of Winchester from the Records of the XIV and XV Centuries, Oxford, 1923, p. 187.
Dean: —
Notes: This edition also contains another copy of the Usages of Winchester; see Winchester1 and Winchester2.

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Lett Ed I

Littere Domini Regis misse Domino Roberto de Bavent
Frédéric Joseph Tanquerey, ‘Lettres du roi Edward I à Robert de Bavent, King’s Yeoman, sur des questions de Vénerie’, Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 23 (1939), 487-503.
Dean: —
Details: Eighteen A-N letters, selected from TNA E101/362/28.

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Lett Ed III

A-N letter of Edward III to the archbishop of York and the bishop of Winchester
B. Wilkinson, ‘A Letter of Edward III to his Chancellor and Treasurer’, English Historical Review 42 (1927), 248-51.
Dean: —

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Lett EPW1

Selected letters of Edward Prince of Wales from The National Archives E163/5/2
Hilda Johnstone, Letters of Edward Prince of Wales 1304-1305, Roxburghe Club, London, 1931.
Dean: —

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Lett EPW2

A-N Letter by Edward Prince of Wales
IN: Nicholas Harris Nicholas, ‘Observations on the Origin and History of the Badge and Mottoes of Edward Prince of Wales’, Archaeologia 31 (1845), 350-84 (p. 381).
Dean: —

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Lett Hen VI

A-N documents
Joseph Stevenson, Letters and Papers Illustrative of the Wars of The English in France, during the Reign of Henry the Sixth, King of England, 2 vols, Rolls Series 22, London, 1861-64.
Dean: —

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Lett Rich II

Excerpt from the Register of Lanthony Priory
Helen Suggett, ‘A Letter Describing Richard II’s Reconciliation with the City of London, 1392’, English Historical Review 62 (1947), 209-13.
Dean: —

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Lett Rich III and Henry VII

A-N documents
James Gairdner, Letters and Papers Illustrative of the Reigns of Richard III and Henry VII, Rolls Series 24, 2 vols, London, 1861-63.
Dean: —
Details: For A-N material, see vol. 1: xxv, lv, 20-21, 25-30, 34-43, 54-55, 126-28, 143-46, 148-51, 181-85, 220-25, 266-68, 270-75, 289-300, 306-08, 327-36, 342-66, 368-74; vol. 2: xi, 3-55, 58-60, 69-72, 125-67, 289-97, 318-23, 338-63, 365-67.

Search AND Citations

Lett Rois

A-N letters from a variety of sources
M. Champollion-Figeac, Lettres de rois, reines et autres personnages des cours de France et d’Angleterre depuis Louis VII jusqu’à Henri IV, tirées des archives de Londres, vol. 2, Paris, 1847.
Dean: —
Notes: Also contains Latin and Continental French material.

Search AND Citations

Lett-Bks Lond

Reginal R. Sharpe, Calendar of Letter-Books Preserved among the Archives of the Corporation of the City of London at the Guildhall, A–H, London, 1859-1907.
Notes: Replaced by Lib Alb and Lib Cust.     

Search AND Citations

Lib Alb

Liber Albus (from the Guildhall Records), a compilation put together under the supervision of John Carpenter
Henry T. Riley, Munimenta Gildhallae Londoniensis: Liber Albus, Liber Custumarum et Liber Horn, 4 vols, Rolls Series, London, 1859-62, vols 1 (1859) and 3 (1862).
c.1320 (text and MS, pp. 51-127) and 1419 (MS, pp. 128-528)
Dean: —
Notes: pp. 51-127: c.1320 (text and MS).
pp. 128-528: 1419 (MS), with compostion dates for pp. 230-48 (c.1216-20), pp. 354-55 (1272-1307), pp. 367-73 (1363-65), pp. 390-91 (c.1362-63), pp. 394-95 (1374-75), pp. 399-401 (1363-64), pp. 408-10 (1333-34 (?)), pp. 417-28 (1334), pp. 505-06 (1296-97), pp. 507-08 (1389-90), pp. 509-11 (1397-98), pp. 512-13 (1399-1400), p. 514 (c.1399-1400), pp. 515-17 (1405-06), p. 518 (1405-06 / 1413-14), pp. 519-25 (1413-14), pp. 526-28 (c.1407-08).
Vol. 1 provides the text (predominantly in Latin, but with a fair number of A-N texts), and vol. 3 has a translation (pp. 3-286) and glossary (pp. 289-407).

Search AND Citations

Lib Cust

Liber Custumarum (from the Guildhall Records and BL Cotton, Claudius D.II), a compilation put together under the supervision of Andrew Horn
Henry T. Riley, Munimenta Gildhallae Londoniensis: Liber Albus, Liber Custumarum et Liber Horn, 4 vols, Rolls Series, London, 1859-62, vol. 2 (parts 1 and 2) (1860).
c.1320-c.1420 (MS)
Dean: —
Notes: Predominantly in Latin, but with a fair number of A-N texts.

Search AND Citations

Lib Gard Ed I

Latin wardrobe account of Edward I
John Topham, Liber quotidianus contrarotulatoris garderobae, Anno regni regis Edwardi Primi vicesimo octavo, Society of Antiquaries of London, London, 1787.
Dean: —
Notes: Latin text including vernacular words.

Search AND Citations

Lib Memor and Panis

A-N excerpts from Assisa Panis and Liber Memorandum (Guildhall)
IN: Henry T. Riley, Munimenta Gildhallae Londoniensis: Liber albus, Liber custumarum, et Liber Horn, 4 vols, Rolls Series, London, 1862, vol. 3 (1862): Liber Albus: Translation of the Anglo-Norman Passages with Glossaries, Appendices and Index, pp. 411-56.
Dean: —
Details: Excerpt from the Assisa Panis (Appendix 1, pp. 411-29, esp. pp. 414-15), and excerpt from the Liber Memorandum (Appendix 2, pp. 430-56, esp. pp. 440-41), which includes a glossary of law terms (pp. 453-56).
Notes: Similar glossaries of law terms can be found in Red Bk iii 1032-39.

Search AND Citations

Liber Donati

Grammatical treatises, based on the Ars minor of Aelius Donatus
Brian Merrilees and Beata Sitarz-Fitzpatrick, 'Liber Donati': A Fifteenth-Century Manual of French, ANTS Plain Texts 9, London, 1993.
1415-17 (partie B) and c.1375 (?) (partie A); s.xiv4/4 and xv1 (base MSS)
DEAF: DonatLibM; DialFr1415S
Dean: 291; 293; 300
Details: Text: 1415-17 (pp. 19-26 and 29-31 = partie B) and c.1375 (?) (pp. 7-18 and 27-29 = partie A); MS: s. xiv4/4 (base MS p. 7) and s.xv1 (base MS pp. 8-26).
Parts I-II (p. 7) are based on Cambridge, University Library, Gg.6.44 (i.e. MS ‘G’; s.xiv4/4), and Parts III-VII (pp. 8-26) are based on Cambridge, University Library, Dd.12.23 (i.e. MS ‘D’; s.xv1).
Provides variants from BL, Addit. 17716 (i.e. MS ‘A’, c.1425); Cambridge, Trinity College, B.14.40 (i.e. MS ‘T’, s.xv1/4); Cambridge, University Library, Ee.4.20 (i.e. MS ‘E’, s.xiv2); and Oxford, Bodleian Library, lat. misc. e.93 (i.e. MS ‘O’, s.xv).
Notes: For a separate edition of MS ‘T’, see Man lang ants, 67-99 as well as Rom 32 (B.14.39-40) (XII).
For a Modern English translation, see Rory G. Critten, French Lessons in Late-Medieval England: The 'Liber Donati' and 'Commune Parlance', Foundations, Leeds, 2023.

Search AND Citations

Libertés Angl

Three A-N documents
IN: Charles Bémont, Chartes des libertés anglaises (1100-1305) Collection de textes pour servir à l’étude et à l’enseignement de l’histoire 12, Paris, 1892, pp. 79-86, 96-98 and 99-188.
1297-1300 (A-N texts)
Dean: —
Details: Pp. 79-86 reproduce Foedera1 i 872-73 and pp. 99-188 reproduce Stats i 136. For a variant MS of pp. 96-98, see Stats i 123.

Search AND Citations


A-N version of Chapter 5 of Dicta Anselmi de quatuordecim partibus beatitudinis by Alexander of Canterbury, with Anselmian interpolations (Lichfield, Cathedral Library, 16).
IN: Avril Henry and D. A. Trotter, De quatuordecim partibus beatitudinis (The Fourteen Parts of Blessedness), Medium Ævum Monographs, New Series 17, Oxford, 1994, pp. 55-89. 
s.xiv2; c.1400 (MS)
DEAF: QuatBeatT
Dean: 697
Notes: The same MS also contains Latin and M.E. versions of this text, which are included in this edition.
AND1 uses this siglum to refer to David A. Trotter’s (at that time) unpublished transcription of the MS.

Search AND Citations

Lincoln Assize Roll

A-N royal ordinance
IN: Walter Sinclair Thomson, A Lincolnshire Assize Roll for 1298 (P.R.O. Assize Roll No. 155), Publications of the Lincoln Record Society 36, Hereford, 1944, p. 136.
Dean: —

Search AND Citations

Lincoln Charter

Two A-N documents
Walter de Gray Birch, The Royal Charters of the City of Lincoln, Henry II to William III, Cambridge, 1911.
s.xivm (A-N documents)
Dean: —
Details: ‘XVII. Ordinances of King Edward II’, from 1326 (pp. 28-33) and ‘XVIII. Constitutions of the City of Lincoln’, undated (pp. 34-37).
Notes: Previously Lincoln.

Search AND Citations

Lincoln Parliament

Two A-N letters from The National Archives
H. G. Richardson and G. O. Sayles, ‘The Parliament of Lincoln, 1316’, Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research 12 (1935), 105-07.
Dean: —

Search AND Citations

Lit Cantur

A-N in the Letter Books of the monastery of Christ Church in Canterbury
J. Brigstocke Sheppard, Literae Cantuarienses: The Letter Books of the Monastery of Christ Church, Canterbury, Rolls Series 85, 3 vols, London, 1887-89.
1318-32 (vol. 1), 1333-72 (vol. 2), 1380-1444 (vol. 3)
Dean: —
Notes: A-N: Vol. 1, pp. lxxxii (1317), and Nos 44, 45, 46, 47, 51, 54, 58, 64, 65, 66, 70, 71, 73, 74, 75, 83, 91, 92, 103, 106, 106a, 107, 109, 110, 112, 117, 126, 128, 129, 132, 134, 139, 144, 149, 161, 162, 164, 168, 169, 171, 172, 175, 177, 180, 182, 183, 189, 192, 193, 195, 196, 202, 203, 206, 209, 210, 211, 219, 220, 242, 243, 244, 245, 259, 270, 272, 277, 278, 281, 285, 286, 302, 311, 320, 334, 336, 338, 339, 340, 343, 347, 350, 351, 358, 364, 365, 366, 367, 368, 369, 370, 371, 372, 373, 379, 381, 382, 384, 388, 389, 390, 391, 392, 393, 399, 402, 408, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 419, 423-27, 431-37, 439, 441, 444-48, 455-56, 458, 461-67, 471-75, and 488-92;
Vol. 2, Nos 496, 507, 508, 513, 516, 519, 521, 523, 524, 525, 526, 527, 528, 531, 532, 533, 534, 535, 536, 537, 538, 541, 542, 546, 547, 548, 550, 555, 556, 557, 560, 566, 567, 568, 569, 570, 571, 581, 582, 585, 586, 589, 590, 593, 595, 597, 598, 650, 653, 654, 655, 659, 660, 663, 664, 666, 670, 672, 674,675, 676, 677, 692, 695, 696, 697, 698, 701, 706, 709, 710, 715, 720, 725, 728, 731, 737, 751, 766, 774, 789, 795, 828, 829, 830, 831, 833, 836, 837, 839, 840, 841, 843, 852, 854, 855, 857, 858, 860, 863, 865, 866, 868, 872, 873, 876, 882, 888, 889, 897, 900, 909, 912, 914, 915, 916, 917, 918, 931, 932, 933, and 940;
Vol. 3, pp. xx-xxi, xxxviii-xxxix, 2 and Nos 947, 955, 958, 965, 978, 988, 1023, and 1030;
Appendix No 52 (1312), 54 (1314), 55 (1314), 66 (1326), 67 (1327) and 68 (1328).

Search AND Citations

Litt Wall

Littere Wallie, Selections from The National Archives, Books of Treasury of the Receipt
John Goronwy Edwards, Littere Wallie, History and Law Series 5, Cardiff, 1940.
s.xiiiex (MS)
Dean: —
Notes: Mainly Latin material, but A-N documents on pp. 181 (1292), 204 (1283), 204-05 (1292), and 205 (1283).

Search AND Citations


Littleton’s Treatise on Tenures
Early printed volume: BL, Digital Store G.2190 (1)), transcribed by Geert De Wilde. This transcription is available here.
1471-81; 1482 (printed edition)
Dean: —
Details: The original text is available here
For an edition of a post-medieval version of the text, see T. E. Tomlins, Lyttleton, His 'Treatise of Tenures', in French and English, A New Edition, Printed from the Most Ancient Copies, and Collated with the Various Readings of the Cambridge MSS, to which are Added 'The Ancient Treatise of the Olde Tenures' and 'The Customs of Kent', London, 1841, repr. Lawbook Exchange Edition 2014.
Notes: Pages of the original text are unnumbered, and this transcription starts numbering from the first page with text (‘Tenant en fee simple est [...]’).
In the original text, paragraphs are indicated up to ‘¶103’, but this transcription borrows the paragraph numbering of Tomlin’s edition for the entire text.

Search AND Citations

Liv Regions

Le Livre des Regions, A-N translation of material from Book XV of De proprietatibus rerum of Bartholomaeus Anglicus (London, Quaritch, Denton MS)
Brent A. Pitts, Barthélemy l’Anglais, Le Livre des Regions, ANTS Plain Texts 15, London, 2006.
s.xiii3/4 (text and MS)
DEAF: BartRegionsP
Dean: 333
Notes: Added to AND2 from F onwards.

Search AND Citations

Liv Reis1

Li quatre livre des reis (Paris, Bibl. Mazarine, 54)
Ernst R. Curtius, Li quatre livre des reis: Die Bücher Samuelis und der Könige in einer französischen Bearbeitung des 12. Jahrhunderts, Gesellschaft für romanische Literatur 26, Dresden, 1911.
s.xii2; xii3/3 (MS)
Dean: 444
Notes: Provides variants and emendations from Continental MSS (ignored in AND).

Search AND Citations

Liv Reis2

Two short fragments from Li quatre livre des reis (Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Library, 234)
Edward B. Ham, ‘Passages from the Anglo-Norman Book of Kings’, Modern Language Notes 52 (1937), 260-62.
s.xii2; xiii1 (MS)
DEAF: RoisFragmH
Dean: 444

Search AND Citations

London English

Latin, A-N and M.E. excerpts from records preserved at the Corporation of London Records Office
Laura Wright, Sources of London English: Medieval Thames Vocabulary, Oxford, 1996.
DEAF: WrightLond
Dean: —
Details: Sources include Liber de Antiquis Legibus, Liber Horn, Liber Custumarum, Liber Memorandum, Liber Ordinationum, Liber Albus, Liber Dunthorn, Journals, Letter-Books, Bridge House Estate and Mayors’ Court.

Search AND Citations

London Mun Coll

A-N documents from BL, Addit. 14252
Mary Bateson, ‘A London Municipal Collection of the Reign of John’, English Historical Review 17 (1902), 480-511 and 707-30.
s.xiii1/4 (MS)
DEAF: RecLondB
Dean: 5
Notes: Previously London.

Search AND Citations

London to Jerusalem

Portions of an Itinerary from London to Jerusalem (treating Asia and Africa) in the hand of Matthew Paris
IN: Henri Michelant and Gaston Raynaud, Itinéraires a Jérusalem et descriptions de la terre sainte, rédigés en français aux XIe, XIIe et XIIIe siècles, Geneva, 1882, pp. xxii-xxiv and 123-39.
s.xiiim (MSS)
DEAF: MichRayn
Dean: 334
Details: Parallel edition of the two redactions, one in BL, Lansdowne 253 (i.e. MS ‘A’), with variants from BL, Royal 14 C.VII (i.e. MS ‘B’), and the other from Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 26 (i.e. MS ‘C’), with variants from Cambridge, Corpus Christy College, 16 (i.e. MS ‘D’).
Notes: Replaced by Iter PARIS.

Search AND Citations


La chanson de bon William Longespee, a.k.a. The Battle of Mansourah (BL, Cotton Julius A.V)
Tony Hunt, ‘The Anglo-Norman Poem on William Longespee’, Nottingham Medieval Studies 36 (1992), 103-25. Appendix to S. Lloyd, ‘William Longespee II: The Making of an English Crusading Hero, Part II’, Nottingham Medieval Studies 36 (1992), 79-102.
s.xiii3/3; xiv1/4 (MS)
DEAF: GuillLongH
Dean: 69 (1)

Search AND Citations

Love of Jesus

A-N song on the power of Jesus’ love
MS: BL, Harley 2253, ff. 76v-77r.
c.1335 (MS)
Dean: 911
Notes: Transcription provided by Geert De Wilde.
Replaced by Harley Complete (XIX).

Search AND Citations

Lum Lais (B)

La lumere as lais, by Pierre d’Abernun of Fetcham (Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodley 399)
Glynn Hesketh, A Critical Edition of the Lumere as lais by Peter d’Abernon, unpublished M.A. thesis, Manchester, 1984.
1267; c.1300 (MS)
DEAF: PAbernLumH
Dean: 630
Notes: Replaced in AND2 with Lum Lais ants.

Search AND Citations

Lum Lais ANTS

La lumere as lais, by Pierre d’Abernun of Fetcham
Glynn Hesketh, La Lumere as Lais, 3 vols, ANTS 54-58, London, 1996-2000.
1267; c.1300 (base MS)
DEAF: PAbernLumH1
Dean: 630
Details: Based on Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodley 399 (i.e. MS ‘B’), with variant readings from York, Minster Libr., 16.N.3 (i.e. MS ‘A’ or ‘Y’, s.xiii4/4); BL, Harley 4390 (i.e. MS ‘C’, s.xiii4/4); BL, Royal 15 D.ii (i.e. MS ‘D’, s.xiv1/4); and Cambridge, Univ. Libr. Gg.1.1 (i.e. MS ‘F’, s.xiv1/4).
The Siglum 'O' is used to refer to all manuscripts other than 'B' (i.e. 'Y', 'C', 'D', and 'F').
Notes: For excerpts from MS 'F', see Rom 15 (Gg.1.1) (IV).
For an independent excerpt of lines 4081-4154, see Chartre Diable, Pol Songs (XIII) and Lyric (XXVIII).

Search AND Citations

Lum Lais MS

La lumere as lais, by Pierre d’Abernun of Fetcham
York, Minster Libr., 16.N.3 (i.e. MS ‘A’ or ‘Y’, s.xiii4/4)
BL, Harley 4390 (i.e. MS ‘C’, s.xiii4/4)
BL, Royal 15 D.ii (i.e. MS ‘D’, s.xiv1/4)
BL, Royal 16 E.ix (i.e. MS ‘E’, s.xiiiex)
DEAF: PAbernLumL
Dean: 630
Notes: Short extracts in M. Dominica Legge, ‘Pierre de Peckham and his Lumiere as lais’, Modern Language Review 24 (1929) 37-47 and 153-71, and 46 (1951) 191-95.
All MSS, except for ‘E’, have been included (though not exhaustively) in the variant readings of Lum Lais ants.

Search AND Citations


A selection of A-N lyric poetry
David L. Jeffrey and Brian J. Levy, The Anglo-Norman Lyric: An Anthology, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Studies and Texts 93, Toronto, 1990.

(I) Prium en chantant, London, Lambeth Palace, 522;  s.xivin (MS) (pp. 33-34); DEAF: —; Dean: 804; See also Lambeth reinsch (X) For a variant MS, see Maidstone (I).
(II) Gloriuse reine aiez de mei merci, Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodley 57; s.xiii2 (MS) (p. 38); Dean: 740 (d); For variant MSS, see Rom 35 (IVb), Digby (LIX) and Lambeth reinsch (XIX).
(III) Mayden moder milde, BL, Harley 2253; c.1335 (MS) (p. 41); Dean: 809.
(IV) Marie pur toun enfaunt, BL, Harley 2253; c.1335 (MS) (pp. 44-45); Dean: 743; see also Harley Complete (XVI).
(V) Douz sire seint Franceis, Cambridge, University Library Ee.6.16; s.xivm (MS) (p. 49); Dean: 930.
(VI) Ave Jhesu ki pur nus, Cambridge, Jesus College, Q.B.4; s.xiiim (MS) (pp. 52-53); Dean: 893; For a variant MS see Ave J-C.
(VII) Seint Nicholas, serf Jhesu Crist, Oxford, Trinity College 82; s.xiiiex (MS) (pp. 57-58); Dean: 938; replaces AND1’s Rom 4 (IV).
(VIII) Seynte pucele Margarete, London, Lambeth Palace 522; s.xivin (MS) (pp. 60-61); Dean: 935; see also Lambeth reinsch (LVIII).
(IXa) Gloriuse Reygne ke le Fiz Deu portastes, London, Lambeth Palace 522; s.xivin (MS) (p. 64); Dean: 772; For variant MSS, see A-N Piety (VIII), Lambeth reinsch (XXIIa) and Rom 35 (II).
(IXb) Gloriouse Virgine seinte Marie, Cambridge, Trinity College O.5.32; s.xiv2 (MS) (pp. 64); Dean: 772; 751; See also Rom 32 (O.5.32) (IV); for variant MSS, see A-N Piety (VIII), Lambeth reinsch (XXIIa) and Rom 35 (II).
(X) Aorez seez vos, London, Lambeth Palace 522; s.xivin (MS) (p. 68); Dean: 973; see also Lambeth reinsch (XLIX) and (L).
(XI) Duz sire Jesu Crist, London, Lambeth Palace 522; s.xivin (MS) (p. 70); Dean: 904; for excerpts, see also Lambeth reinsch (XIV).
(XII) Eya ore, ma duce amie, London, Lambeth Palace 522; s.xivin (MS) (pp. 72-75); Dean: 914; see also Lambeth reinsch (LXII).
(XIII) Vous ke me veez, BL, Addit. 46919; s.xiv1/3 (MS) (p. 80); Dean: 974; For first six lines, see Rom 13 (XVIII).
(XIV) Venez dames, London, Lambeth Palace 522; s.xivin (MS) (pp. 83-85); Dean: 969; see also Lambeth reinsch (VII).
(XV) Sire Jhesu Crist, London, Lambeth Palace 522; s.xivin (MS) (p. 90); Dean: 909; see also Lambeth reinsch (LVII).
(XVI) Jeo crei en Dieu tuit puissaunt, Cambridge, University Library Gg.1.1; s.xiii1/4 (MS) (p. 93); Dean: 680 (2); see also Rom 15 (Gg.1.1) (XX).
(XVII) Jeo croi en Dieu Pere puissaunt, Cambridge, University Library Gg.4.32; s.xivm (MS) (p. 96); Dean: 680 (3); see also Rom 15 (Gg.4.32) (I).
(XVIII) Pere qe as en ciel sojourn, Cambridge, University Library Gg.1.1; s.xiii1/4 (MS) (p. 99); Dean: 842; see also Rom 15 (Gg.1.1) (XXI).
(XIX) Nostre Pere qui es en ciel, Cambridge, University Library Gg.4.32; s.xivin (MS) (p. 101); Dean: 843.
(XX) Dieu vous sauve Marie, Cambridge, University Library Gg.1.1; s.xiii1/4 (MS) (p. 104); Dean: 817; see also Rom 15 (Gg.1.1) (XXII).
(XXI) Ave gloriosa Duce creature, BL, Harley 978; s.xiii2 (MS) (pp. 106-07); Dean: 810; replaces AND1’s Rom 4 (III).
(XXII) Jhesu Crist par ta duçur, London, Lambeth Palace 522; s.xivin (MS) (pp. 110-11); Dean: 908; see also Lambeth reinsch (XLVIIIa).
(XXIII) Seint Esperiz a nus venez, Cambridge, University Library Ee.6.16; s.xivm (MS) (p. 114); Dean: 838 (5); see Veni Cr mae (III).
(XXIV) Deu en tes vengemens, Cambridge, University Library Gg.1.1; s.xiii1/4 (MS) (pp. 116-17); Dean: 450.
(XXV) De grant profunde, Cambridge, University Library Gg.1.1; s.xiii1/4 (MS) (p. 119); Dean: 450.
(XXVI) Deu oiez ma oreisun, Cambridge, University Library Gg.1.1; s.xiii1/4 (MS) (p. 121); Dean: 450.
(XXVII) Ben e mal unt fet covenant, BL, Addit. 46919; s.xivin (MS) (pp. 127-32); Dean: 592; see boz Serm 35-44.
(XXVIII) Sachent trestuz ke ové mey sunt, York, Minster Library 16.N.3; s.xiii4/4 (MS) (pp. 137-38); Dean: 103; independent section of Lum Lais ANTS 4081-4154; for different MSS, see Chartre Diable and Pol Songs (XIII).
(XXIX) Pus ke homme deit morir, BL, Addit. 46919; s.xivin (MS) (pp. 142-44); Dean: 592; For variant MSS see boz Serm 78-86 and Enseignement pieux.
(XXX) Le Seint Espirit, Oxford, Bodleian Library, Selden supra 74; s.xiii2 (MS) (pp. 150-52); Dean: 593 (I); replaces AND1’s Oroison.
(XXXI) Mult est celi fous, London, Lambeth Palace 522; s.xivin (MS) (pp. 156-62); Dean: 604; see also Lambeth reinsch (XII).
(XXXII) Par ces signes, London, Lambeth Palace 371; s.xiii1 (MS) (p. 167); Dean: 435; For a variant MS, see Pop Med 102; replaces AND1’s Rom 4 (XI).
(XXXIII) Ore est acumplie, Oxford, Bodleian Library, Douce 137; s.xiii4/4  (MS) (pp. 169-70); Dean: 90; see Pol Songs (IV).
(XXXIV) Quant jeo pens de Jhesu Crist, London, Lambeth Palace 522; s.xivin (MS) (pp. 174-77); Dean: 905; replaces AND1’s Dulcis Lambeth; see also Lambeth reinsch (XXX).
(XXXV) A matines voleit Jhesu orer, London, Lambeth Palace 522; s.xivin (MS) (pp. 181-83); Dean: 967; see also Lambeth reinsch (V).
(XXXVI) Seignours, ore escotez haute chivalerye, BL, Addit. 46919; s.xiv1/3 (MS) (pp. 186-87); Dean: 689; For excerpts, see Rom 13 (XL).
(XXXVII) Ky eyme leal amie, attributed to Nicholas Bozon, London, Lambeth Palace 522; s.xivin (MS) (pp. 192-94); Dean: 755; see also Lambeth reinsch (VIII).
(XXXVIII) Le mel de ceel, BL, Addit. 46919; s.xiv1/3 (MS) (pp. 199-202); Dean: 739; see also Rom 13 (XXI).
(XXXIX) Par la priere de un men compaignon, by Simon of Caermarthen, Oxford, Bodleian Library, Selden Supra 74;s.xiii2 (MS) (pp. 205-06); Dean: 593 (III); replaces AND1’s Serm simon.
(XL) Tretis de denaturesse, by Nicholas Bozon, BL, Addit. 46919; s.xiv1/3 (MS) (pp. 211-12); Dean: 145; For the first 16 lines, see also Rom 13 (VIII).
(XLI) Jaunglerye, by Nicholas Bozon, BL, Addit. 46919; s.xiv1/3 (MS) (pp. 215-16); Dean: 592; see boz Serm 66-70.
(XLII) Selected proverbs of Wilton, BL, Addit. 46919; s.xiv1/3 (MS) (p. 219); Dean: 260.
(XLIII) Les femmes a la pie, by Nicholas Bozon, BL, Addit. 46919; s.xiv1/3 (MS) (pp. 223-25); Dean: 205; For the first 24 lines, see also Rom 13 (XX); for a variant MS, see Harley Lyrics (XXXVIII) and  Harley Complete (XXVII).
(XLIV) En may quant dait, Oxford, Bodleian Library, Douce 137; s.xiii2 (MS) (p. 233); Dean: 133; replaces AND1’s Rom 4 (IX).
(XLV) Malade sui, de joie espris, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 450; s.xiv1 (MS) (pp. 237-38); Dean: 125.1; replaces AND1’s Rom 4 (VI).
(XLVI) Débat entre mère et fille, BL, addit. 46919; s.xiv1/3 (MS) (pp. 224-44); Dean: 142; see also Rom 13 (XIV).
(XLVII) Dum ludis floribus, BL, Harley 2253; c.1335 (MS) (p. 247); Dean: 134; see also Harley Complete (XVIII).
(LXVIII) Ferroy chaunsoun, BL Harley 2253; c.1335 (MS) (pp. 251-52); Dean: 127; see also Harley Complete (XVII).
(XLIX) Amur est une pensee, Oxford, Bodleian Library, Douce 139; s.xiii2 (MS) (p. 255); Dean: 247; replaces AND1’s Rom 4 (X).
(L) Je m’en voys dame, Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, 450; s.xiv1 (MS) (p. 257); Dean: 125.2; replaces AND1’s Rom 4 (VII).
(LI) Cil qui voldra oir mun chant, Oxford, Corpus Christi College, 154; s.xiii (MS) (pp. 260-63); Dean: 144; see Amitié; for a different MS, see Harley Lyrics (III).
(LII) Cuard est ke amer n’ose, Oxford, Bodleian Library, Douce 137; s.xiii2  (MS) (pp. 268-69); Dean: 913; previously published in Digby (Appendix IV); for excerpts from variant MSS, see Lambeth reinsch (IX) and Rom 13 (XIX).
(LIII) Dunc choses eez en memore, BL, Addit. 46919; s.xiv1/3 (MS) (pp. 270-71); Dean: 916.

DEAF: JeffreyLevy

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